Sep 29, 2005 18:08
When I was thinking about the title The Once and Future King, it occurred to me that it would be interesting if King Arthur returned from Avalon and tried to conquer modern England. He'd need some magic support or modern allies, though.Does anyone know how to get around this: "Error (Listen port 6881 is blacklisted from this server, please adjust your settings)" in Azureus? I suppose the solution would be to change the "Incoming TCP Listen Port" setting, but I have no idea to what.I've been thinking a lot about wargaming a lot, since I got a new catalog and the latest issue of the mag. I know that Necromunda and D&D failed because I didn't have enough dedicated players to get the campaign systems to work. However, I thought something based on one-offs might work. The Rubic's Dome Inquisitor Campaign is of course going nowhere because there's still no sign of Codex Alien Hunters, but I might consider making up some individual scenarios.「やまをはった」 → "I’m taking a chance on what’s going to be on the test."
「うっわ~、可愛くねえ」 → "Damn, you’re nasty."
「ゆかりちゃんは二組に勝てれば良いんじゃないの?」 → "Yukari-chan thinks we’ll win against class two?"
「結果発表」 → "Concluding Announcement"
「可愛い物には目がない・・・」 → "I'm not interested in cute things. . . ." (probably from either this or this)
miniature games,
translations of the day