And I'd Probably Never Have Noticed Had They Not Had a Strip Poker Game

Jan 30, 2011 22:00

Maybe that subject line'll help me draw some unusual attention to this post, too.

I happened to come across a non-adult game called "Heileen" and played the trial version. You play as the female title character. As the description points out, there are three characters with whom you can have an ending (called something like "kōryaku [completable] chara" in Japanese), but of the obvious two, one is female, and I imagine the third one is your uncle's mistress, oddly enough. (The prequel also has another female character who's apparently quite interested in the protagonist, but as far as I can tell, all three endings there are variations on "leave and go on to the actual game." Perhaps you can do better.) I'd buy the full version, but I have enough girly games to be playing with my aunt and uncle around for the time being.

video games, 単語, status, 百合

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