(no subject)

Feb 17, 2005 01:11

Hahaha, this is so funny. I can relate to almost every single one of these. The first list isn't as long as the 2nd, so I put the 2nd one behind a cut. (woohoo my first one)


1. ...the alarm clock tells you when to go to sleep.
2. ...you're not ashamed of drooling in class anymore, especially in the Structures lecture.
3. ...you know what UHU tastes like.
4. ...you CELEBRATE space and OBSERVE your birthday.
5. ...coffee and cokes are tools, not treats.
6. ...people get nauseous just by smelling your caffeine breath.
7. ...you get surprised when you see a new building in your school.
8. ...you think it's possible to CREATE space.
9. ...you've slept more than 20 hours non-stop in a single weekend.
10. ...you fight with inanimate objects.
11. ...you've fallen asleep in the washroom.
12. ...your brother or sister thinks he or she is an only child.
13. ...you've listened to all your cds in less than 48 hours.
14. ...you're not seen in public.
15. ...you lose your house keys for a week and you don't even notice.
16. ...you've brushed your teeth and washed your hair in the school's washroom.
17. ...you've discovered the benefits of having none or very short hair. You’ve started to appreciate inheriting baldness.
18. ...you've used an entire roll of film to photograph the sidewalk
19. ...you know the exact time the vending machines are refilled.
20. ...you always carry your deodorant.
21. ...you become excellent at recycling when making models.
22. ...when you try to communicate, you make a continuous and monotonous whine.
23. ...when someone offers you a Bic pen, you feel offended.
24. ...you take notes and messages with a rapidograph and color markers.
25. ...you combine breakfast, lunch and dinner into one single meal.
26. ...you see holidays only as extra sleeping time.
27. ...you've got more photographs of buildings than of actual people.
28. ...you've taken your girlfriend (boyfriend) on a date to a construction site.
29. ...you've realized that French curves are not that exciting.
30. ...you can live without human contact, food or daylight, but if you can't print. it's chaos.
31. ...when you're being shown pictures of a trip, you ask what the human scale is.
32. ...you can use Photoshop, Illustrator and make a web page, but you don't know how to use Excel.
33. ...You refer to great architects (dead or alive) by their first name, as if you knew them. (Frank, Mies, Norman...)
34. ...you buy 50 dollar magazines that you haven't read yet.

1. ...you know the janitors by name.
2. ...your roommates say "good morning," and you reply "good night."
3. ...you carry a toothbrush in your backpack.
4. ...someone asks you for your phone number and you give them the
5. ...you start paying rent for your desk space in studio.
6. ...you can't get a ride from 'Campus Cruiser'.
7. ...breakfast is your 5th meal of the day.
8. ...the morning newspaper beats you home.
9. ...'Red Bull' is you favorite drink.
10. ...all of the Christmas gifts you give are wrapped in trace.
11. ...you ask Santa Clause for architecture supplies.
12. ...you ask Santa Clause for a sleeping bag.
13. ...after all of you expenses, you can't afford to pay attention
14. ...you have 3 or more cups of double shot coffee espressos in one
15. ...you have 3 or more 'Mountain Dews' in one night.
16. ...you hear the same song on the radio 3 or more times in one night.

17. ...the only sleep you get is in your G. E. classes.
18. ...the cars have turned off their headlights.
19. ...construction workers are already working.
20. ...you greet the crew team
21. ...you're dating another architecture student.
22. ...you're in a 6-unit class and it is still not enough.
23. ...you spend more time in studio than in your own bed.
24. ...you spend more time in studio than with your wife.
25. ...your parents are complaining that you're not having enough fun.
26. ...you only leave studio to buy supplies.
27. ...you haven't taken a shower in a week.
28. ...you see showering as a waste of time.
29. ...you've ever dreamt about your models.
30. ...upon hearing 'supermodel', you think of a nicely crafted-foam
core model.
31. ...your parents have more of a social life than you.
32. ...your 11-year-old sister has more of a social life than you.
33. ...you consider using broccoli for your models.
34. ...you enjoy hanging out at 'Home Depot'.
35. ...you know all the 24-hour food places in the area.
36. ...your friends get more sleep in one night than you do in one week.

37. ...the streetlights turn off.
38. ...you consider 3AM an early night.
39. ...when you are out at 3AM, and your wife knows where you're at..
40. ..."scoring" involves an X-Acto blade
41. ...everything you eat comes in single serving baggies.
42. ...the idea of a 24 hour 'Kinko's' make's perfect sense
43. ...smoking sounds appealing.
44. ...you're out on Friday nights in studio.
45. ...you don't find out who wins the Presidential Election until
Thanksgiving Break, if you get one at all.
46. ...picking up breakfast is the last thing you do before going home.
47. ...the only building on campus with its lights on is your studios'.
48. ...a break consists of moving your car.
49. ...you receive mail in studio.
50. ...you say "It's only midnight- I have plenty of time to finish."
51. ...you confuse sunrise with sunset.
52. ...you ask what time it is, then ask "AM or PM?"
53. ...you strangle your roommate because he said he stayed up late
54. ...you've memorized you favorite vending machine combination item
55. ...your Friday night is 68 hours long.
56. ...you know how much a cubic foot of cement weighs (150lbs).
57. ...you slice your finger, and the first thing you think of is if
you'll be able to finish your model.
58. ...you understand why architects have glasses and white hair.
59. ...you swear there are only 120 people at USC.
60. ...you know all of these are true, no exaggerations.
61. ...you can listen to all your CD's in one night.
62. ...certain songs remind you of studio.
63. ...you can conceptually compose the food on your plate.
64. ...you think the 'Weekender' happens every weekend.
65. ...upon hearing 'Weekender' you think of studio.
66. ...the 'Shop Cafe' closes when you arrive, and reopens before you
leave studio.
67. ...you have to wait for breakfast shops to open.
68. ...you go to 'Taco Bell', and order the "usual", and they
69. ...you use architecture tools to eat.
70. ...you think "X-Acto Blade Throwing" is a sport.
71. ...you only buy groceries once a month.
72. ...you wake up to go to school and you're already there.
73. ...you start wearing all black.
74. ...you carry a sweatshirt to all of your classes.
75. ...you have no life, and admit it.
76. ...you start to critique a radio selection's selection of songs.
77. ...you bring your friends to studio to keep you company.
78. ...you refer to outside studio as the "Real World."
79. ..."going out to eat" is at the 'Shop Cafe.
80. ...going on a vacation involves going to 'Roark' or 'Pearl'.
81. ...you have memorized every radio commercial that airs after 10PM.
82. ...you confuse today and tomorrow.
83. ...you tell time by when other people leave studio.
84. ...you can write a 6-page term paper by procrastinating.
85. ...you hear "Didn't you wear that yesterday?' followed by "and the
day before that?"
86. ...you roommate files a 'Missing Person Report.'
87. ...you count the number of days (not hours) you've been awake.
88. ...you think days are 48 hours long.
89. ...you go to the store to buy a six-pack of 'Red Bull'.
90. ..."Homecoming" happens once a week.
91. ...on Halloween, you dress like your instructors.
92. ...on Halloween you trick-or-treat in studio to get arch supplies or
'Red Bull.'
93. ..."respect", "coolness', and "hatred" are all based on how much
sleep you get, or lack of.
94. ...you see your own picture on a milk carton.
95. ...you start using words your instructor uses.
96. ...your bed has collected a layer of dust on it.
97. ...concept of time is not forward, but a countdown from the time a
project is due ("What time is it?""4 hours 'till").
98. ...you contemplate suicide 3 times a day.
99. ...you contemplate dropping your major 3 times a day.
100. ...you have a tent pitched in studio, but still don't go to sleep.
101. ...doing models all night long excites you.
102. ...you have a two-liter of mountain dew at your desk at all times
103. ...you get voted "most likely to be asleep on the studio couch right before class"
104. ...you have more food in your studio than in your kitchen at home because you're never there
105. ...you get excited when your relatives give you gift certificates to the local supply shop
106. ...the people that work at that supply shop start to recognize you in other places
107. ...you spend $70 or more on a single project
108. ...you look forward to that 7:30am break when you have to go move your car from the on-campus parking lot
109. ...you've slept under your desk because you felt like you were going to pass out right on your OLFA
110. ...you know what an OLFA is
111. ...2am is early in the night to you
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