fashion brands in movies & tv shows

Apr 07, 2024 02:18

maybe i've been lurking at r/ThriftStoreHauls too long, but i'm starting to recognize some of the higher-end fashion brands characters wear in movies & tv shows.

the prince and his companion had louis vuitton luggage in coming to america.
in the last episode of friends rachel has a louis vuitton tote (it think it's called neverfull) with their checked pattern.

claire's dad had a burberry scarf in the opening part of the breakfast club.
in fantastic four (2005), when sue is running away from a crowd after the public finds out about them, her trench coat blows open & the burberry lining can be seen.
sometimes i see reporters on nbc & msnbc with a burberry, or similar patterned scarf in cooler temperatures.

in working girl, tess has a chanel purse when she has her meeting with jack & his coworker.

in the columbo tv movie agenda for murder, the victim's sectary has what looks like a dooney & bourke purse.

reporters out in the weather will have a patagonia or the north face jacket. these are easier to spot because the brand name is on them.

tv, movies, thoughts

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