A Bolivian Orchestra is Quarantining in a Haunted Castle

May 25, 2020 19:38

it sounds like the plot of a Z-grade movie, but it's not.

Quarantine: we’re all doing it. Some of us are alone, others are staying with family, while many are shacked up with significant others and roommates. We’re accompanied by various assortments of children, pets, and more toilet paper than a human could conceivably use. With travel restricted and stay at home rules imposed, many of us find ourselves stranded on a seemingly permanent vacation.

And then there’s this Bolivian orchestra, which is currently taking up residence at a haunted German palace surrounded by wolves. In a situation that is equal parts Vincent Price movie and 90s Disney musical, The Orquesta Experimental de Instrumentos Nativos find themselves quarantining in Rheinsberg Palace, a moated castle just north of the city of Berlin. The musicians have been there for about 75 days.

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