more meme stuff

Apr 05, 2020 20:51

found via


1) Brothers: 1
2) Sisters: 0
3) Pets: 0
4) Surgeries: 1
5) Tattoos: 0
6) Piercings: 0
7) Been to an Island: no
8) Flown on a Plane: 3. 6, if you count return trips.
9) Rode in an ambulance: yes
10) Ice Skating: no
11) Been on a Cruise: no
12) Rode a Motorcycle: no
13) Owned a Motorcycle: no.
14) Rode on a horse: well, a friend of my dad's brought one over & i was set upon it. can't recall if it actually went anywhere. i was like 4 at the time.
15) Rode in police car: no.
16) Stayed in a Hospital: yes
17) Eye Color: brown
18) Last phone call: brother
19) Coffee: no
20) Favorite pie: apple i gurss
21) Favorite pizza: multi-meat
21) Favorite Dog: mutt
22) Favorite season: fall
23) Favorite holiday: halloween, maybe?
24) Favorite sport: none
25) Ever been handcuffed: no
26) Favorite Fruit: banana
27) Are you married: no
28) Beer: no
29) Can you drive a tractor: no
30) Can you drive stick: no
31) Have you traveled by train: once. twice if you count return trip
32) Have you ridden in a helicopter: no
33) Do you live in a city: no. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

meme thing

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