meme thing

Mar 31, 2020 19:45

found via

dizzojay who saw it posted by

jj1564 ,

casey28 ,

fufaraw & possibly others.

Driven 100 mph - no. i hate going 50.
Ridden in a helicopter - no
Gone zip lining - no
Been to an NFL game - no, but i'd like to go.
Been to Canada - no
Visited Florida - no
Visited Mexico - no
Visited Vegas - no
Eaten alone at a restaurant- yes
Ability to read music - no
Ridden a motorcycle - no
Ridden a horse - well, a friend of my dad's brought one over & i was set upon it. can't recall if it actually wnet anywhere. i was like 4 at the time.
Stayed in a hospital - yes. overnight when my gallbladder was removed.
Donated blood - no
Been snow skiing - no
Been to Disney World or Disney Land - no. i want to though.
Slept outside - no
Driven a stick shift - no
Ridden in an 18 wheeler - no
Ridden in a police car? - no.
Driven a boat - no
Eaten Escargot - no
Been on a cruise - no. if they weren't giant petri dishes at sea, i'd like to go.
Run out of gas - yes
Been on TV - no
Eaten Sushi - no
Seen a UFO - in the sense that i saw an object that was flying & i couldn't identify it.
Been Bungie jumping - no This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

meme thing

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