day 23 & 24 of the trek meme

Oct 07, 2019 01:03

Day 23 - Best Trek Tech
the medical stuff is great, but i have to go with replicator. you want a baked alaska? done! you want lobster bisque? done! you could have a full thanksgiving dinner for 8 in just minutes. or replicate all the food for a super bowl party (including the beer, apparently) in now time & woldn't have to worry about running out of stuff.
but it's like paris said there are 14 varies of tomato soup & it can't get just plain tomato soup right.
although i could image it would be a bit hard to dial in for stuff like cold water. how cold is "cold" anyway?

Day 24 - Best Overall Space Vessel
i honestly don't know.
but i'm leaning towards the enterprise-d. even if it was like a hotel in space.

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