random friday 5

Oct 06, 2019 02:21

1. If you were President of the United States, what would be your top 3 things that you would like to change?
healthcare, better pay, housing for all who need it.

2. If you had to survive off of one specific type of food, what would it be and why?
pizza. because of the variety & it's all the food groups in one. cheese=dairy, crust=grains, meat=protein, tomato sauce=vegetables.

3. If your life were a play, what would it be (tragedy, comedy, drama, etc.)?
a dramatic tragedy with oddly comedic moments.

4. What community is your favorite and why?
like here? sadly none are that active.

5. When did you realize you were finally an adult and how did it make you feel?
when i had to start making my own doctor's appointments. it was a major bummer.

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friday 5

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