the other day i went grocery shopping with my dad & was wearing my star trek ball cap (i'd gotten this from the star trek communicator magazine. a few they had given me when they stopped putting out star trek: the magazine to fill out my subscription) at the check out the clerk says; "i haven't seen any star trek stuff in a long time."he paused & added; " thank God, another trekkie!" i smiled politely at him & dug the money out to pay, but he goes on; "i had a whole collection of star trek stuff, but my ex-wife, either threw it out, sold it or sole it. i don't know." i make a sympathetic sound, give him my money & wait for the change. he goes on; "if i had an actual phaser i'd use it on her, and it wouldn't be on stun either."
i decide this is moving into very awkward territory and am regretting wearing the hat.
my dad chimes in with; "you could beam her to another universe." to which the guy replies; "that's too good for her. they wouldn't want her anyway." i make a retreat behind my dad who's pushing out the cart.
i could've mentioned rura penthe, the prison in the 6th star trek movie, but things were weird enough as it was.
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