
Feb 01, 2015 13:52


This is a journal introduction...scroll down for the most current journal entry.

This is my journal..for my thoughts, silliness, ranting, comments and other miscellaneous ramblings. My menagerie of life.

Master and I have decided that in light of the fact that many people ask us about our M/s relationship it might be beneficial to be more transparent to others. Perhaps sharing things we do in our lives together might help others in their own M/s journey. (I journal way more than he does though.)

Some of my written thoughts might be 'shocking'. Hey, I am far from perfect. Being more transparent might disillusion some people. But, I would rather be transparently honest in some areas of my life than show a facade of false reality.

You have been warned.

When I started this journal I added some friends so I could see their journals on my Friends page. All was good until people started adding me to their Friends pages and if I reciprocated I could not keep up...hurts my wrist to scroll! *grin* So I stopped adding people. Instead, if they have friended me, I visit their journals through that list of 'Also Friends Of'. I usually choose 3 or 4 a day to browse through and learn about their current state of affairs. Just because I have not friended you does not mean I am not interested, intrigued or just downright. nosy curious.

I have deleted a few people from my Friends list. This is not because I dislike those persons but usually because of my own pet peeves: they don't use LJ cuts for multiple massive and lengthy posts (read above about scrolling), daily whiny posts that I can catch up on a weekly visit that their LJ, their choice of a default font style or color hurts my eyes, etc. Do not take these deletions personally, please.

I do a few of these but usually only if I am bored or if they are really interesting. If I am tagged I might follow through....a promise of sexual favors ups the chance that I will comply.

I try to keep up but it's not usually meant to be a personal slight if I don't reply to comments.

If you Friend me can you let me know who you are and how we might know each other? I am horrid with names (every new gray hair replaces a memory brain cell) and if an LJ name is different I get totally confused.

On with the show.......

personal (about me)

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