for the
Lyondemere anniversary celebration we had a basket raffle fund raiser thingy. lots of people donated tons of great stuff and i decided to donate a custom banner. having had success with the
champion of the west woods banner. i made a pretty flier describing what i could do (like size of banner and stating the limitations of a custom stencil, like no 7 color designs etc.) anyhow i was really worried that no one would bid on my measly banner but someone did! i dont know if they were the only bidder but who cares! they won it!
the lady decided that since she already had 2 banners with her
device she would give my banner to a friend of hers as a gift. her device was nice and simple and although it required a surprizing amount of hand painting on the shooting star i think it came out pretty well. the black portion is sewn to the white and the tab tops are fully lined. the back is the same black. the finished size is about 11 X 17 i think. so any whoozle above is a picture of the device i was requested to duplicate and below is the finished banner. i am pretty proud of it and i really really hope they like it too :0)