Feb 01, 2006 23:15
In the past 24 hours have you:
1. Talked to someone you liked:
Yes, (if AIM counts)
2. Bought something:
Actually... no.
3. Got sick:
4. Sang:
I dont/cant/will not sing
9. Miss someone:
Last person who:
10. Slept in your bed?
11. Saw you cry:
Can't remember (honestly)
12. Made you cry:
Can't remember (seriously!)
14. You went to the mall with:
Lynn <3
15. Said "I Love You" and meant it:
Lynn <3 <3
16. Ever been in a fight with your pet?
My Beta fish give me lip all the time!
17. Been to California?
18. Been to Mexico:
19. Been to Canada:
Yes (less than 1 year old tho.)
20. Been to Europe:
21. do you have a crush on someone right now?
In a relationship ;)
22. What book are you reading now:
Aside from the stuff for scholl... not too much (want to change that)
23. Best feeling in the world:
Being apart of somthing better than myself
24. Future KIDS names:
Girls: Jess, Sonia, Lynn, Becca, maybe Sarah :P
Guys: Well, I guess Vladimir, Korvin, Sigmund and Wolfgang are out
25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:
26. What's under your bed:
Laundry baskets
27. Favorite sports to watch:
Wrestling and Boxing
28. Favorite Location:
Yosemite, Calif. USA
29. Piercings/tattoos:
Eagle, Globe, and Anchor on my soul.
30. What are you most scared of right now:
Fear profits a man nothing.
31. Where do you want to get married?
Right next to my spouse (Duh!)
32. Who do you really hate?
Lord Mac'A'Fay (Pompus Prick!)
33. Do you have a job?
Resident Assistant, Camp Commissioner, USMC Officer Canddiate, Professional Hostage
34. Do you like being around people:
Depends on the people
35. Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with:
Yes, or atleast I thought that was the case
36. Have you ever cried:
37. Are you lonely right now:
There are people that would be good company to have that arn't here right now, but I'm not lonely.
38. Song that's stuck in your head right now:
Underworld soundtrack - Track 2
39. Played strip poker:
42. Been on radio/TV:
43. Been in a mosh-pit:
Teachnically... no.
44. Ever liked someone, but you think they never notice you?:
Yes, or atleast I thought that was the case