Awake! Awake! Murder and Treason!

May 31, 2009 11:08

In case you hadn't heard yet, the fetus fetishist terrorists have just murdered a 67 year old doctor as he was sitting in church.

His crime was, of course, performing abortions for women who choose to or medically need to have them in a safe, clean clinic. And did I mention that this is LEGAL in the U.S.? Much as these jihadist Fundie fetus freaks would like to change all that, We the People, y'know...the people whose "will" is so vaunted when it comes time to vote down gay marriage? Well we've spoken and we've collectively said that we want a woman's rights to choose an abortion to remain right where they are, thank you.

The Fundie McNuggets can't stand it when stuff happens (especially with regard to sex) that they can't control, and make no mistake about it, what they're really about is always, always, always control. Who gets to decide? THEY do! And since they couldn't make the rest of us toe the line legislatively, they've gone back to the same tactics they always when they want to make sure they get their way - violence, intimidation, terrorism. Things that are designed to scare people so much that they win in a de facto sort of way, because if all the doctors who provide abortions are killed and the other doctors are too scared to provide them, then they didn't need no steeenkin' Supreme Court ruling did they?

I remember back when Bushie was doing all his saber rattling post-9/11 and one of his big planks was all about finding the "enemies of Freedom" and "the people who want to destroy America and our way of life.."

Well folks, we've found 'em!! Here they are...right here under our very noses, yapping away on Fox. Calling Dr. Tiller "Tiller the Baby Killer" on nationally televised programs.

These are the folks who want their way at any cost, including subverting, twisting, mutilating and destroying the country to get it. And if they don't get their way by doing that...well y'know, there's always good old assassination.

There's a lot of overlap among control freaks, so the Pro-Life (unless a murder is like, rilly, rilly necessary) McNuggets are often the same as the Anti-Gay McNuggets. The signs may change but the end result is the same - they want to boss people around and they get frothy when we won't obey.

Every time something like the murder of Dr. Tiller happens, I hope and pray that more Americans start to realize what these people are about and see them for what they really are - our enemies.

So the next time someone wants to email me privately and ask me how come I can't just "get over" Prop 8 and "move on?" The next time someone even -hints- to me that maybe I need to "talk about something else" and stop sounding the gong on this issue? This is why that's not gonna happen.
Because these Fundie McNuggets are not going to be content and stop with oppressing and controlling the queers. After they've taken out your GLBT friends, loved ones and neighbors, they're coming for your daughters, your sisters and your mothers, lovers and wives.

Don't ask me why I won't shut up, ask other people why the HELL they're not talking about this too. Constantly. Without ceasing.
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