Aug 21, 2006 11:32
If you happened to read my previous blog then you know that I hurt my knee out on the trail. Since that day last week I hadn't gone jogging at all despite wanting to every day. Each day that passes I have this growing fear in me that my level of fitness will steadily decline as my body weight increases, both of which I want to avoid as they would be an unmaking of all the progress I've made.
Today I went out for a small jog. I modified my usual route to make it smaller with the hope that I could ease my way back into the routine. I headed out from here on the greenbelt and was doing just great. I was at if not just slightly above my usual pace and was making great time. When I reached the southern edge of Northstar pond I stopped to stretch. This was about 15 minutes out. I started out again and was half way around the pond when I felt the first twinge of a disturbance in that left knee. I continued, pushing myself to finish the circumference of the pond, and I did so. But that's all I did. It hurt worse then before and came on faster as well.
I had to walk home after that, limping every now and then when a sudden pain would shoot into my knee. I am not happy. Perhaps it was fate that just last night I found this quote: "Inside of a ring or out, ain't nothing wrong with going down. It's staying down that's wrong." -Muhammad Ali
I will be back.