Worst loss ever? Really?

Jan 11, 2010 10:04

It's playoff season, and I'm really unable to care, but I have to say that the people of Boston are just off their rockers.  People are moaning and bitching about how yesterday was the worst loss in Boston sports history, or at least Pats history.

Now, don't get me wrong: there's a mathematical possibility that I could care less about the patriots (or about Boston sports in general - sorry Bruins), but it's really only because there are very few zero probabilities in the world.  My apathy generally knows no bounds, but geezum crow, folks, even *I* know that that's patently false.

I mean really?  You're going to put this loss over the Buckner ball loss?  You're going to put it over the loss in the Superbowl to the Giants after the unbeaten season?  I know very little about Boston sports history, but even *I* can come up with those two.  The world series loss scarred people - there were death threats.  A sucky game going out in the first round of the playoffs even compares?

Drama queens. 
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