Really, "The Frisky"? Are you as stupid as Cosmo?

May 16, 2011 14:24

Okay, clearly it's time for me to tear apart something else I find stupid. This one's from

I'm not exactly an expert of "the frisky" but hell, if this is any indication of the collective IQ of the site, I'm ashamed. They say there's no such thing as a Stupid question, but this article is doing it's damnedest to prove them wrong.

19 Dirty Questions We Still Have About Sex

First, let me ask who the "we" is in this equation? "The Frisky" staff or readers?

As a Frisky gal, I’ve analyzed sex from every angle … even the unflattering ones. But to be honest, there’s still some stuff that goes on during sexy time that makes me scratch my head with wonder. Some of the nitty gritty of the bump ‘n’ grind remains a mystery to me. And while, yes, we ladies love an enigma, even more when it comes wrapped in an orgasm, I’m still left with these random naughty questions. And for all those ex-boyfriends out there who have asked me what I’m thinking when my mind seems to wander while we’re doin’ it, here are your answers. When it comes to sex, these are the things that make me go “hmmm ... ”

Okay, first, I may not identify as a "lady" but as a female-bodied person, let me say that I don't particularly like enigmas, and wrapping them in orgasms doesn't particularly help...

1. How come the same amount of booze it takes me to have sex can also be the same amount that stops me from being able to get off?

If you need "booze" to have sex, you should probably be a little more worried about your psychological state and a little less about the state of your orgasms. Sex is not inherently shameful. It is something you do with someone not something that is done to someone, and it should be something you want to do, not something you have to get drunk to "accept".

2. Why do guys feel threatened by vibrators, but no woman is intimidated by a flesh light?

My guy isn't threatened by my vibe, on the other hand, I might be a little put off by a flesh light.

3. Why are guys obsessed with doing the butt?

This one is less stupid, but if you want the answer (it'll probably vary from person to person) you should ask.

4. Why do women care about penis size when about 75 percent only get off from clitoral stimulation?
There are a full 25% of women that get off on G-spot and penetrative sex.

 How did pubes get such a bad rap?
It is no fun to have to stop what you're doing to pull one out of your teeth.

6. Why do babies have to go out the way they came in?
They don't have to, that's what birth control is for.

7. Why don’t men get more oxytocin than women? We’ve already bonded to the dude if they’re doing us. Shouldn’t they be the ones getting super dosed?
This is not a true statement in any way, but I'll focus on the fact that not only can women have casual sex, they are capable of enjoying it, and also the ass-umption that men don't/can't feel bonded to their partner before sex is wrong, some men have casual sex, others have sex only with people they feel strongly connected to. Hell, some PEOPLE have sex casually, some only with people they feel strongly for. Beyond that, not all relationships are hetero-normative, so there's that, too.

8. Why do peen rings make a dude’s junk look so adorbs?
What the fuck is "adorbs" supposed to mean? Someone translate for me.

9. Why does sex have that smell?
Because that's what sex smells like, would you prefer it smell like citrus? This is roughly as stupid as asking why roses smell like roses or why strawberries smell that way. (I'm sure there's a complex chemical reason if you really want to go into it, but that doesn't seem to be the gist of the question)

10. While we’re at it, why do crotches have that smell?
Because that's what crotches smell like... see above answer for details.

11. In a possibly related question: why is the Hershey factory so close to the hot pocket?
Um, what? Dude, is this a new language? Or is it a spy code? The bluebird is in the rooster, repeat, the bluebird is in the rooster.

12. Why do some guys think it’s OK to force your head while you’re giving them head?
They're jerks, and/or you haven't clearly communicated that you don't approve of that type of behavior.

13. Why does every guy want to finish on my face?
What kind of guys have you been dating? Porn is not an instructional manual... That said, I think it'd be kinda hot to have my lover cum on my face.

14. How come great sex isn’t enough to keep us happy?
Because sex is only one factor in a healthy life and a healthy relationship (not even an essential one, plenty of people lead happy, healthy lives without sex). Communication and respect rank much higher from a relationship standpoint. If orgasms were the only factor in a relationship, I would have a very happy relationship with my favorite vibe. From a general "life" standpoint, learning, gaining new experiences, and doing things that make you feel accomplished are more likely to make you happy in the long-run than great sex.

15. What did people do B.C.E. B.C.L. before the common lube?
You could answer that by reading something other than Cosmo or with a quick google search, but off the top of my head I'd probably say that they relied on the fact that women are self-lubricating, and probably always have been. (or else they used saliva or oil) but those are just uneducated guesses.

16. How come the media and “experts” keep trying to tell us that there is one kind of ideal sexy person? I like bald, fat dudes with acne scars and lotsa chest hair, suck it Science Of Sex Appeal.
Points to you, you have made a wonderful point. You get a gold star.

17. Why are men more willing to get naked at the drop of a hat?
I dropped my hat, just a moment, let me take my pants off... Now what was the question? (people of either gender are more willing to be nude in front of others when they're comfortable with their body.)

18. Why is foreplay more stimulating than the actual penis-in-vagina sex?
This is an Opinion, not a fact. Please learn the difference. That said, what you think of as foreplay, I might just think of as sex. PIV is not "the one true sex". That's a ridiculous concept and would get boring quickly. Any partnered sexual activity is sex. (manual sex, anal sex, oral sex, etc.) That said, Foreplay is part of sex, that's the point. It isn't a separate thing, it's part of the activity.

19. How come sex with hot people is almost never as hot?
I wouldn't know, that hasn't been my experience, but I've only slept with one "Hot people" and he doesn't seem to realize how attractive he is.

mindless blather, cosmo, the frisky, rant

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