To start with, a question for the armchair pharmacologists on my FL.
I woke up this morning with a woozy headache (a hangover? Not unless it's a new thing, and a third of a wine cooler will now do what a healthy dose of rum or two won't. I couldn't say for sure, never having knowingly had one.), and because I had plans involving enjoying myself, and being alert for highway driving, I took a single Excedrin, with food this time. It wasn't as bad, but I still got a noticeable, delayed-reaction (by about 2-3 hours) high. So, here is the question - or questions, as the case may be: it is possible that I've developed an allergy (not likely, possible, because my body seems to like making unlikely reactions into fact), and if so, is it more likely because I used to take it semi-regularly (2 tablets, 2-3 times a week, off and on) and haven't taken any for a while (9 months? a year?)?
So I hopped in my car and headed south to meet up with AH-an old friend from debate who I hadn't talked to in ten years-hoping for a decent time and prepared for the worst.1 Thankfully, it was most definitely a decent time. Once we got through the obligatory 'ten years in a nutshell,' we kept talking for almost three hours, with surprisingly few "remember when"s (and never in those terms). There were also surprisingly few almost-awkward pauses in conversation, and no truly awkward ones.2 It turns out, there are still a few things we have in common beyond general upbringing (mmmm, Midwest Dutch reformed. Yay) and having been in debate together. All in all, most definitely worth the price of gas and two hours drive, and hopefully we'll do it again in the not too distant future.
I also came home with a bit of a nice sunburn (with some interesting lines. It didn't occur to me before hand that sitting out in the [blissfully warm] sun for three hours-for essentially the first time this season-would result in a burn, so I had my nice
kare bracelet on one wrist, and my wrist brace on the other), which-if cared for properly-should fade to a nice base tan for me, and I won't have to worry [much] about burning my arms any more this summer.
And, to make a good day even better, I spent an hour or so on the phone with
misanthropia112; always a happy occurrence.
In other news, I got my DVDs for the fifth and final season of QaF on Thursday, and finished watching it yesterday (I had started watching it via torrents as episodes aired, but then mom died, and I fell behind, and really didn't care enough to catch up). For a while, I was worried that they were going to take the tidy but less appealing way out, but they pulled everything together in the final episode and made me a very, very happy girl. Also, Brian made me cry.
1Realistically, a decade is a long time, and even in school, I don't think we ever hung out outside of debate (I know what you're thinking, but yes, there was such a thing as "outside of debate," for a couple months of the year, at least) and didn't even talk much in the hallways. Once we got past the 'catching up' phase, that leaves a lot of potential for awkwardness.
2On a completely random tangent, I love writing that word. No where else in the English language (in any language? I haven't checked) will you find the "wkw" combination, short of, potentially, and acronym.