Feb 06, 2006 23:39
I have a question for the health aware people on my flist:
Normally, I can tell pretty easily what's going on.
For example: If I'm feeling tired, generally stiff and achy, and want nothing to do with food, then I'm most likely over-toxed. If I'm sporadically sleepy with joint pain, and I crave fruit juice, I probably have the flu. Sluggish with headache and dry mouth, but not at all thirsty is probably dehydration.
Here's the question; Today, I'm tired, with aches and stabbing pains in major muscles (triceps, calves), and I'm craving crappy junk food (chocolate; donuts; chocolate donuts; low-sodium potato chips with ridges and oodles of french onion dip) - which I normally want little or nothing to do with.
Any suggestions for what may be going on, so that I can fix the actual problem, and don't end up going out and stockpiling disgusting junk food that I can't afford and won't actually eat more than a few bites of?