Feb 04, 2008 23:17
Well I'm sitting at home, not wanting to do work and waiting for my hubby to get home, so I thought I'd fill this out. If you don't like couple shtuff, don't read! XP
1. Where did you meet?
Through a mutual...well...person. We were all in the same freshman college chemistry class and he and I happened to have the same lab time. *giggles* I thought she introduced him as "Bobby" so thats what I called him for a few months.
2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met?
The first time we ever really interacted..."Wow, this guy's pretty funny." 'cuz we were making jokes before chem lab started
3. Do you remember what he was wearing?
Ummmm...t-shirt and pants? I dunno
4. Where was the first time you kissed this person?
Under the overhang near the Hotel and Restaurant Management building that leads into the Horseshoe. It was right after he asked me out ^.^
5. How did he/she ask you out?
*laughs* Well, we'd actually decided over the phone we'd date when I got back into Columbia, but he actually wanted to ask me in person, and he wanted to ask me on the first of the month so he'd actually remember our anniversary. We were hanging out in a friends room that night, and it kept getting later and later, till it was past 12am, and no longer the 1st. Undaunted, he just set his watch back so when he did finally get around to asking me it was still 11:45 according to him. *rolls eyes* I shouldda known then...;-)
6. Where did you go for your first date?
Took us a while to actually go on a date. It was a restaurant called Diannes on Devine. It was pretty good and he was so cute all dressed up ^.^
7.How long did you know this person before you became a couple?
Mmmm not too long...probably a few weeks
8. Has this person ever proposed to you?
Yup, At the Topper site in 2006 ^.^ Proposed to at an archaeological site...that got him BIIIG points all around. He even asked my parents permission beforehand...unfortunatly for him my dad actually ended up being 3 hours later than he thought, so he and my mom had to chat for that time. Now THAT'S devotion! ;-)
9. Do you and this person have kids together?
Not yet, but someday
10. Have you ever broken the law with this person?
Uhhh....none that I know of...
11. When was the first time you realized that you liked this person?
Pretty much the same day we met. We got to spend a few hours together and he even said "Watch, we'll end up going out." I was happy to realize he was digging me too ;-)
12. Do you get along with any of the ex's of your partner?
Don't really know many of them. They're all long distance anywho
13. Do you trust this person?
oh hell yeah
14. Do you see your partner in your future?
I certainly hope so!
15. Whats the most expensive thing this person has given you?
My engagement ring :-)
16. What is one thing he/she does that gets on your nerves?
He's really forgetful sometimes, which drives me up the wall. But I can be the same way, so I can't talk.
17. What is the thing you do that gets on his/her nerves?
Probably a lot..I don't know how he puts up with me. ;-) I tend to nag a bit, but since his memory is so bad its probably for the best. XP Uhhh I also tend to be a perfectionist and freak out about classwork and stuff. He's always telling me to relax.
18. Where do you see each other in 15 years from now?
In our own home him with a wonderful Library job and small computer building/repair business on the side (and his best selling novel on the market) and me happily at home with the kids, teaching them the finer points of archaeology as well as caring for our numerous dogs, cats, and ferrtes. ^^