And... MORE problems

Jan 09, 2016 19:35

The roof is still leaking. I haven't found the leaks yet, but they're up there somewhere... and it's going to ruin a lot of things (like expensive books) if we don't find them. We have three or four leaks that I know of (each where a oak branch had smashed down on the roof - but I can't find where the water is getting past the patches).

Right now I am really pissed at our "Good Christian" neighbor... the sanctimonious "Dose EBIL LIBRULS!!!" bastard (and his Bible-thumping young-earth creationist "true believer" wife). He had the equipment to take care of that dead tree when it first died, but told me that he wasn't going to let me use it (he was angry because I was in school and not "GETTING A JOB!!!!!!!!!! - and insisted that HE'S paying for my education, even though I have over $100,000 in student loans and had been attending on a Fellowship). I am so fucking tired of that attitude which I get from people all over the place. "Lower my taxes, cut more taxes for the rich, give more "incentives" to corporations, and MAKE THOSE POOR PEOPLE MORE MISERABLE SO THEY WORK HARDER! (PUKE!!!) He even actually told me something on the order of that I was a waste of resources and a burden on society, or something like that! (I'm so upset that my mind is a bit muddled!)

(Turns out he's rich with many acres, lots of cattle, owns a business, and owns several construction machines like man-lifts and backhoe tractors - which he wasn't willing for me to use (he has two man-lifts and I think is part owner in a tree-trimming firm) to prevent giant oak branches from punching holes in my roof!!! Yet he always talks poor when I've been around him. That's the sort of people I'm used to (away from the school).)

Sometimes I wonder if he or someone he knows somehow caused the tree to die - it died a few months after someone torched my shop (he was REALLY pissed at me at the time, and about the same time the tree died insisted that the fire was not caused by arson - implied that I CAUSED IT!). It WAS rather strange - suddenly half the tree died (completely dead within 3 or 4 days, and a few weeks later the other half died (that went a little slower - starting at the trunk and dying out to the branch tips). Right after his nice ass-chew about the fire. Which was a few months after the fire.

(SIGH) I know that's paranoia speaking, but so many strange and bad things have happened to us... and some we actually caught people trying to do! At the same time, we don't have the resources to fix things right, and when we asked for help, we were told "Sorry, we don't do things like that, but could we send someone out to share the Gospel with you?" and "Here are three companies that could help you - yes, you'll have to pay full price up front, but I can recommend them as owned by Good Christians"! (All three companies had F or FF ratings with the BBB, and wanted thousands of dollars up front with no insurance against our house being destroyed - one even offered to hold the title on our house for the tree removal - to the tune of thousands of dollars, and then got insulting when I said we said we couldn't afford it!)

Yeah, I'm griping... but I am so sick and tired of the bullshit and especially the expectations that I somehow puke out resources to fix things when I'm trying to get where I can find a decent job I can handle!!!
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