RAGE! (Social Security)

Oct 20, 2014 10:37

This morning there was a bit of news that makes me furious.

The US government is paying Social Security to ex-Nazis WHO NO LONGER ARE IN THE US. They left the US rather than get thrown out or "de-Naturalized". We're talking Auchwitz guards here. Nazi collaborators who single-handedly helped send thousands if not millions of Jews to the gas chambers. People who are truly EVIL and deserve lynching (no painless death for those monsters).

It's still going on.

I paid into the system for years. I'm paying into it now, in the tiny check I get for TAing (1/4 time). When I tried to get disability, I was denied in spite of 5 doctors and 3 witnesses speaking up for me. The GOD DAMNED judge said I could take lesser work, and that he thought I could work as a cashier or toll booth operator (the later has been eliminated from most of Florida - it's all automated now). Yet I'm locked out of the system (by the same "judge"), who specifically applied the 1990s law sold to the people as a way to keep immigrants from moving here and getting onto disability. I HAVE TO WORK 2 1/2 YEARS FULL TIME BEFORE I CAN APPLY AGAIN. I don't think it possible to work full time like that any more (I wish I could).

They're giving millions to GOD DAMNED NAZIS, and not one penny to someone who was unlucky enough (as a toddler) to get hit by fallout from their own goddamned nuclear bomb tests (and they have the documentation locked up and won't unlock it until, quote "You PROVE that it happened and then we'll open the books")!

Shit... they won't help someone with just a few thousand a year (all I'd be able to get because in the last couple of years, I lost a bunch of customers because they found out I'm American Indian by birth - on top of being barely able to function because of severe FMS). Yet they give millions to Nazis.

Anyone who thinks the US is a just or honorable country needs to get their head examined (or get de-programmed).

downwinders, rage, social security, injustice, disability

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