Let down again

Mar 15, 2014 13:31

Even though I was afraid (we've already had too many kitties poisoned and the loss of my shop to Christian Arson is a blow from which we have never recovered), I wrote a letter to the editor regarding bullying. They've been having a big series on it and a lot of political brouhaha about the topic every since some girls bullied a young lady in this county into committing suicide (and then after being charged, got let off by the state).

I mentioned in the letter what I consider the ultimate form of bullying - the torching of my workshop after the GODDAMNED CHRISTIANS had threatened my parents and ordered them to shut me up (they deny it now, but Sue was there and can vouch for this). Actually, it was terrorism. Terrorism, after all, is the ultimate form of bullying. "If you don't go along with my ideas, I will KILL/BURN/DESTROY you!" (It should be no wonder I'm as hostile to bullying and terrorism as I am.)

I also mentioned a couple of other examples of "Good Christians" committing horrible deeds against people who oppose them - like Darla Kay Wynne and David Mullins (my favorite two examples because they resonated so strongly with what we've gone through).

The editor deleted anything related to the arson we experienced or regarding Christian Terrorism (I didn't use that term), which is actually a big but hidden problem in this country (T2A sometimes mentions it, ask any pagan or LGBT group how "nice" the churches really are).

Like usual, my cries for justice and help get stomped on.

I say TO HELL with "JESUS" and Christianity. I'm sick of the things they've done to us. They killed my connection with the creator and blocked every attempt at having a life. WE'VE CAUGHT THEM IN THE ACT, OR FOUND OUT AFTERWARDS WHAT THEY HAD DONE! All in the name of "Get a Job!" and "There is nothing wrong with you, GET BACK TO WORK!" and "You must submit to our authority!!!" They've blocked employment, tried to practice Christian Sorcery against us (annointing our cars and home and praying for disaster and misery until we "repented and returned to the fold" - even though we were still Christian at the time - I CAUGHT THEM IN THE ACT), tried to break up our marriage, tried to prevent me from having any relationships at all when I was in the Assemblies, and possibly tried to screw with my relationship with Sue when we were dating, and the worst - involved in injustices we've experienced and then went out of their way to block any justice we might try to seek.

I suspect that they've even been trying to screw with my education - it's the only way we have to get away from this Goddamned hellhole and all of the "Good Christians" that infest it. I've had too many "black hole" incidents with important emails (a couple of times nearly getting in serious trouble for something I had no control over) and yes... they've infected my school (2/3 of the "Christian" organizations are overtly dominionist - and the school persecuted a liberal Christian group that was trying to form on campus).

In the last few years, I've been learning more and more how much the churches have lied to us. We've been learning about other religions... and the things that the goddamned churches have been teaching are pure bullshit. For instance, Judaism is nothing like we learned - and it's not "pre-Christian Lite" at all. Islam - while I've read enough about it that I find it as full of error as Christianity - I recently learned that (if this is right) the Koran says that animals have souls and deserve fair and just treatment (you just don't kill them for nothing) and that there are strictures against wiping out species or mistreating animals. Christianity? Even the more liberal churches deny that animals have souls - the more conservative either say they're soulless or going to hell. All you have to do is look in the eyes of a cat or dog that loves you... there is DEFINITELY "Someone" THERE!

Wiccans... this is fact - they have rules against doing harm to others and strictures against using magick against others. "Do no harm" is a very old standard and isn't just for doctors. They have a "rule of three" - unless you're willing to take three times what you magick towards others, don't do it. Other pagans... far more "live and let live" than ever portrayed. It turns out that a lot of the religious wars involving Christians and pagans were actually started by Christians who were enraged that pagans wouldn't let them walk roughshod all over their cultures. That is a pretty accurate summation of what isn't being taught in history. The people in the "Far East" and either Buddhist or Hindu... there are websites complaining about the actions of the "Christians" in their midst and the things missionaries do. It isn't far from what we've been put through.

The "Good Christians" constantly try to force a "inerrant Bible" on the rest of us, and when we have proof that the Bible contains many errors, rather than trying to cope with the proof they attack the person who resists. That is what happened to us... the torching of our shop, the poisoning of some of our kitties, and the racist hate graffiti in front of our mailbox. We're not the only ones that experience this, by the way. Others who have written letters critical of the churches have reported death threats but they pass them off as "some kook" (I learned about the threats in the last year- and yes, I've had them too). Anyone who writes off threats from "Good Christians" are fools IMO.

I know that when push comes to shove, the local paper protects and pampers the churches (the more conservative, the more they seem to protect them). If you follow the news from this county, there is a huge problem with the local city's police department. That's the tip of the iceberg. I've told the editor that they need to look deeper - at our sheriff's office (which I will say here is said to have a Klan problem - and what I have observed supports that), at the churches, at the county politicians, and most of all, the churches.

I'm full of anger and rage, but also getting more and more depressed. It's like I'm constantly being told I have to eat their shit and like it. I'm not going to, and I'm tired of the crappy treatment. I WILL NEVER RETURN TO THEIR GODDAMNED FOLD!

terrorism, arson, coverup, bullying, christians, retaliation, christian terrorism, poisoning, injustice, abuse

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