An update on religious stuff

Dec 12, 2013 15:04

Sue and I both no longer consider ourselves Christians.

The treatment we've both gotten at their hands is abominable. They promote injustice and tell us we're supposed to turn our cheek when people treat us like shit (the worse the treatment, the more adamant the goddamned Christians are that we HAVE to forgive those who have violated our rights).

I've come to realize that when they say that, it's because they cannot tolerate the idea that "it doesn't work"... that doing the right thing and thinking the right thoughts doesn't guarantee that good things (or even the right thing) will happen... and especially that those who rant about Jesus will do evil and mean things to innocent people and not be punished for it (they're usually even rewarded for it).

Sue is getting active with a group that is intriguing... they're rather like our UU church except that they're Jewish. They've actually treated her with respect and kindness. I very much appreciate that. I'm tired of people treating her like she's a second class citizen - nice to her when she acts like they want her to act but never allowing her to actually be a part of their group. Belonging is important. We've both never really belonged. There is a term that is important here... liminal. It's like we're always being locked in that state by people and never pass through to belonging/acceptance. It's really a miserable place to be. It's like she passed right through that stage without even being aware. I like that.

It sounds like they've gotten to know her pretty well already, although it's pretty much only online. People who get to know her respect her and like her. I've tried telling her that. Thanks to the goddamned Christians, it's hard for her to accept that sometimes.

Me, I don't know what I am. I respect some of the teachings of Jesus and think that he was more than just another prophet or person. I distrust most of the Bible because of the way it's been edited and written. I wish that we could find "Document Q", the original copy of Jesus' sayings that was written in the first years after his death... we know it existed and that some of the books were roughly based on it (like the Gospel of Judas and a few others), but the fact is it hasn't been found yet (speaking with my archaeologist/scholar hat on - and the recent finds like the Gospel of Judas are NOT Document Q). Whenever I think of the early Roman Catholic church and how it tried its best to stomp out Document Q (if it was found, it was to be burned unread and if the church found out someone had read it before burning it, they were supposed to be put to death - I wonder what they were scared of), I get really angry. It's like the local attempts to stomp out evolution and critical thinking - and anyone who opposes the "Good Christians".

Experiences I've had in my life makes me well aware that there is more to existence than the physical, and that there is probably life after death. I certainly hope so, because I've lost so many "little loved ones" - pets who loved me and I loved dearly. I hope to be with them again. I also miss friends who have died, and there are mysteries about my ancestors that I would like to learn the truth about (I can't trust anything my family says).

If what I believe to be reality is correct, I expect to see a physical manifestation of it (and I hope the sooner the better). I think that one should work on one's self and leave others the freedom to choose their own path... just obstruct them if they think they have the right to harm others. I think that religious and spiritual stuff should change the person inside. I think that we all have a responsibility to and for others... but not the right to dictate or try to control their lives. In other words, seek what is best for them but in terms that they'd consider is best for them. (That, by the way, runs counter to American Christianity as I've experienced it because they think that what is best for you may be something that destroys you. Yep, they believe that one can be saved through destruction. I call that bullshit.)

I'm now walking my own path. I find commonality with the people at school... some think somewhat as I do and their education and experience puts them solidly in the "Real (or "for real") Good People". I used to find commonality with the people in my tribe, but that goddamned church has taken over so much of it that I'm actually scared to go there. The treatment I've gotten from the "Good Christians" in my tribe (the ones who preached it especially) is part of the reason why I no longer will go to a mainstream church and no longer am Christian (well, maybe I'm somewhat of a UU Christian - I don't believe in the Trinity stuff except maybe with a whole bunch of caveats). I suspect the reason why they've never given us tribal cards (and recognition) is because I didn't go along with what the preacher said. I'm sorry, but preaching a sermon against a living person (which I found out from others was the case) just doesn't fly with me... I consider it a form of spiritual murder. That sort of thing also goes against what I've learned about our traditional forms of spirituality and honoring people who do things like that rubs a raw spot in my soul. I've been a target of that before and it's not fun. You just don't do that to people.

I should add that the people at school (and the people we know who are professors) all like her a lot, and I keep telling her that we all have much in common. She also has a hard time believing that, and I hope that changes. She's that smart... could be a college professor and has the instincts of a born anthropologist and religious studies scholar.

In my own case, I'll say this... if one of my dreams is true, there are people "out there" who are already aware of me and I will eventually meet them... as we walk a common path. I hope it is so, because that dream gave me hope for more than a future of misery and loss and hard work without reward. The only thing is, I'm tired of living for and in dreams. I need some reality. Some GOOD reality. My professors, in spite of the work load, are actually pulling for that (they all say that I need to get my degree and then escape this hellhole in which we live). I think I will miss them when (if) that happens.

spirituality, walkaway, injustice, betrayal, christianity, religion

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