"No Trespassing" sign covered over again

Jun 27, 2013 10:52

I've learned something... that as soon as our "No Trespassing" sign gets covered over by vines or brush, it's open season for the goddamned proselytizers.

(It's hard for me to keep the weeds trimmed because (1) in Florida they grow incredibly fast, (2) My yard tools keep breaking down and requiring money to fix [weedeater], and (3) my disability prevents me from doing as much as I'd like, especially during the summer when the heat wipes me out.)

We had a door-pounder today. I ran him and his "oh so good" accomplices off my property... told them to "get off my property" and then when he hesistated "GIT!"

I then told Sue "I'll bet that our 'No Trespassing' sign is covered over with brush again!", and was right.

If I don't keep that sign cleared, we get harassed regularly. Even with the sign clearly visible, people still occasionally come by.

I am fucking SICK of the goddamned "Good Christians". They've made our life hell here, and they think they are so good doing "God's work" - like burning my workshop, poisoning our kitties, blocking employment, (maybe) preventing us from getting notification of hearings or other important things, and so on. One person actually came to me and apologized - years after the fact, because they realized how wrong they'd been! (That was one of the guys who had helped to prevent me from getting a decent job while I belonged to their cult.) We've also caught them trying to break up our marriage, and I suspect that they had a lot to do with us being denied aid after the three hurricanes hit our property, and also blocking me from getting disability or any other form of aid when I could no longer run my business. (13 years now, with an average income -when we weren't living off of borrowed money like student loans- of a fraction of the poverty line, except we always heard "You don't qualify!!!" when we asked for help.)

Add to that the constant "Get a JOB" that I've heard (it used to be frequent when I went to a mainstream church), plus comments like "McDonalds and Burger King are hiring. If you aren't willing to work there, you're just not willing to work and need to SHUT UP!" (That speaker, who liked to preach online, was responding to my saying that I'd just graduated with a Master's and needed to find work. He also knew that I have disabilities that preclude standing on my feet for any length of time.) They think they're doing so good by insulting and being abusive and offensive! In fact, I hate going around "Good Christians" any more because they're always doing things like that... even denying the reality of the medical problems I have!

I'm sure that the woman (mother?) of the teen who was trying to force his religion on me probably was saying something on the order of "You're being persecuted because we're Good Christians!" The sad thing is that people like her don't realize how much they turn people off to Christianity because of the sort of CRAP like we've been put through.

cruelty, "good christians", bible-pounder, witnessing, christians, injustice

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