NaBloPoMo #6: El problema somos nosotros

Nov 06, 2008 19:36

I got this video from my baby cousin, and though it's in Spanish, I thought I ought to post it, because it's... yeah. The problem is us, not my country's government or my country's law, but my country's people. The sole responsible for the sad state of affairs -economic, security, education, opportunity, culture, ecology, you name it- is us. It's the baggage of a country, how we like to point fingers but we don't want to change ourselves. Blaming the government, calling the politicians useless. Maybe they are. But they are representing us, and we are, too, so very useless in the face of trouble.

Because we won't make the sacrifices needed to improve. Because if we can screw someone else on our way up, we will, because we can't handle competition. Because we're petty, miserable, egoistical, small minded, born to lose, mediocre whiners. And no matter where we go, we'll always take that with us, and we'll never scape the ruin of our country unless we can get past that attitude. Escaping is not the solution.

Because when things get tough we look for someone to blame, instead of something to *do*.

Because I don't think this only applies to my country, I thought I should post it.

Because we can do it better. Because I will take my destiny into my own hands, and I will Not Be Part of the Problem.

I refuse to be.

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