I'll cut you!

Feb 04, 2008 16:57

I hate how hard it is to remain positive. It consumes way too much energy, especially when people take advantage of you, and you try to find a good side to it and.. it's... non-existent. It's just people fucking you over for being an idiot doormat ( Read more... )

flesh-life, music

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Comments 18

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arch_schatten February 5 2008, 21:07:28 UTC
*hugs back* Thank you :) It does seem like the road it's uphill this time of year for lots of people... I'm trying to be positive because I *know* these things are out of my control... if I can't change anything, at least I can change myself, right? Thanks for the good vibes, dear :)


vigilante_wake February 5 2008, 07:41:40 UTC
OMG! Belle & Sebastian is my favorite band! Now we can talk about them and listen to their music and crush on Stuart Murdoch and braid each other's hair and be best friends for ever and ever!

I like "The Blues are Still Blue" quite a bit. It reminds of doing laundry in my college dorm. I'd have to say that my favorite track from that album ("The Life Pursuit") is "Funny Little Frog" because it's about having an imaginary significant other, something to which I can definitely relate :P As far as the slow songs go, I like "Dress Up In You."

I was thinking about uploading my favorite B & S songs and doing an LJ post about them. Would you be interested in something like that? You could also see a picture of 17-year-old me getting an autograph from their drummer...

Also, I promise not to tell you any stories about boyfriends. I haven't had one for a year and a half, so there's nothing to tell!

I'm sorry you're feeling so...roller coaster-y. Can I do anything to help? I love you! *huuuuuuugs*


arch_schatten February 5 2008, 21:14:11 UTC
Ohhhh! I know *nothing* about Belle and Sebastian, I actually just feel in love and downloaded The Life Pursuit this weekend, and have been listening to them nonstop. So yes! you can tell me all about them and we can braid each other's hair and be best friends! I am good at crushing at band members ( ... )


vigilante_wake February 7 2008, 03:54:49 UTC
and 17 year old Carolines are pretty adorable, I'm told :)

Well, I don't know about that. I think we were in a awkward stage...

I'll make sure to tell you next time I date a hot superhero :P

I won't be able to go see Jen and Dan...

NO! If Mina can't go to Jen and Dan, then Jen and Dan must go to Mohammad! Er, Mina.

I'm glad you're feeling better! You seem to have a pretty healthy attitude about life, even when you're depressed, and I really respect that. I hope you get paid! *more hugs*


eve_k February 5 2008, 13:08:57 UTC
I´m so sorry to see you so sad. It´s probably no consolation to hear that lot´s of people have these problems too, especially this time of year - ironically when the darkest time of winter has passed and you think you should be looking forward to spring - just as it´s probably no consolation to hear from someone who´s much older than you (that would be me then) that these pits of depression tend to get less deep from year to year or maybe you just learn to deal better. So what can I say? I´ve found the lyrics to the song I used to listen to when I had the worst time of my life - it´s like fighting fire with fire I guess, nothing like a sad song when you´re already down - it´s from Joni Mitchell "Last Time I Saw Richard":
I´m gonna blow this damn candle out
I don't want nobody comin' over to my table
I got nothing to talk to anybody about
All good dreamers pass this way some day
Hidin' behind bottles in dark cafes
dark cafes
Only a dark cocoon before I get my gorgeous wings and fly away
Only a phase these dark cafe days

Take care,


arch_schatten February 5 2008, 21:31:23 UTC
It does give me a sense of hope to know that the pits of depression will turn less deep as I learn to manage them better. Things do have improved over the years, and I know right now the things that are happening are really not my fault, I can only try to do my best and hope it will be enough... I also know my problems aren't anywhere near as urgent as other people's, so I should be grateful for that. Thank you so much for the pep talk and the good vibes! That song sound very good, I'm going to track it riiiight now! woot! Thank you, Eve! :) *huuuugs*


starsandsea February 5 2008, 19:32:04 UTC
*hugs you a lot* It just doesn't feel worth trying at the moment, does it? Everything just seems to take up far far too much energy, and being happy, being positive... that's impossible. *hugs again*

Where is that Bruce icon from, BTW? It looks very familiar for some reason... though it could just be that I've been staring at your icons. :P He's such a woobie in it! *pets him*


arch_schatten February 5 2008, 21:50:47 UTC
*hugs back* It does seem like trying is taking more energy than it should. It's not impossible... but it's hard to see why we should keep doing it, I guess? I hope you're not feeling too down!

And that Bruce icon is from post A Death in the Family, he's being interviewed about what happened to Jason and.. he.. totally breaks down :'( poor darling!


damos February 6 2008, 01:04:06 UTC

Hey ferret! A friend of mine once told me that as he got older he discovered that he wasn't shy, he just didn't like people...


And that is one thing, people can be terrible, selfish, short-sighted...

And hurtful.

Sometimes, without even realizing it.


arch_schatten February 6 2008, 04:10:25 UTC
*glomps the wombat, rolls about* Hey Dan! I have cookies *shares the cookies* and am riding one of the ups of the evening (I don't have good days and bad days anymore, I have good hours and bad hours, lol). Ahh.. people. They are... strange and energy consuming. Your friend might be right! I just.. don't like them all that much, I guess!

I hope Tokyo is being fun and you're having a good time :)Ferret misses you...


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