I hate how hard it is to remain positive. It consumes way too much energy, especially when people take advantage of you, and you try to find a good side to it and.. it's... non-existent. It's just people fucking you over for being an idiot doormat.
After several attempts, Belle & Sebastian have finally gotten me hooked. I'm specially taken with
'The Blues are Still Blue'. Another group everyone loves and I'm just jumping into the bandwagon? Interpol.
'No I in Threesome'!!! Still waiting for an albums of The Sounds to finish downloading, waiting to check if they are as awesome as Painted by Numbers has made me believe.
*sighs* I think it would be much easier if this year I just gave up on everything I planned and tried to enjoy my last semester. Plans simply hate me... I should just sit back and watch life unfurl. No use worrying and stressing and pushing myself if it will come down to waiting and seeing if people are going to royally screw me over or not.
I have a Damian fic. It's.. odd, and he has a very strong daddy-fixation. *shrugs*
I'm a roller coaster of emotions these days... super positive and Zen yesterday, gloomy and cynical today... but like
cosmicastaway says, if I can get up every morning, then I have already won most of my battles! ..or something like that... *scurries off to do homework*
ETA: If I have to listen to a another single story about boyfriends, I might just explode. Yes, boys are silly. Yes, yes, I know. There's a very good reason why I disappear for days, I need to recharge from all this nonsense! when did everyone turn so damn insular?