
Jan 17, 2007 13:35

Last night I dreamed I was almost late to my own wedding (some guy I don't know, but he was nice) because I had thought it was in the other planet. Silly me, I confused two planets with the same name but different density!

So, anyway, I fly from one planet to the other, and do you know how difficult it is to get proper make up applied when you just almost burned up during planet re-entry?

...then I shaved my beard (?) and was looking very pretty. I had some cold feet jittery feelings, but really, after almost missing your own wedding because of interplanetary confusions, I guess the actual ceremony is a piece of cake.


Seriously, what the hell is up with my brain.

Currently writing: Bruce/Jason Blood and Danny Ocean/Selina ficlets for ilyena_sylph and Emperor Joker Undone for damo_in_japan. This holidays weren't very productive! I didn't write enough, and I certainly didn't get much done. But they were somewhat restful, so that's very, very good.

Tonight is office night, have to go to work for a couple of hours and then perhaps we'll have a bit of an office party. I love my job. Last monday we spent about an hour watching YouTube, me, D and JD and our bosses. We also got more done than any other day. Is the YouTube miracle! I should take pictures of the office madness, I certainly would like to have something to remember them by if we have to quit this semester due the crappy class schedules.

flesh-life, plot bunny

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