Lists lists lists

Aug 12, 2009 17:59


-I just found two awesome comms! bruce_love and we_love_damian. I love them. You should come play!!! (pervyficgirl, I pimped your Damian stories in w_l_d, I hope you don't mind!)

-I'm currently listening to audiobooks on my way to work. I finished A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick in one week! that was... about 10 hours of listening a.k.a. 10 hours of driving in one week, and if you count that on Monday I didn't use my car and that Sunday I didn't drive.. erm. Yes. That is a lot of daily driving... (I loved A Scanner Darkly so much!)

-I'm now a construction superintendent, or whatever it is my position is called in English. I visit our construction sites (currently two) and check on the advance and deal with contractors and on-site modifications (of which there are many). I also get the government permits, draw plans, etc.

-One of my constructions sites is a facade remodeling. It's fun times! I shall post pictures of the before and after once is finished. I take loaaaaads of pictures. Gotta keep a record, in case (as it happened) someone tries to get smart and rip me off. One neighbor claims we were hammering and cracked her facade. Oh no missssss I have pictures that show your facade was cracked before I got there with the workers! I will oversee this site until it's finished.

-The other construction site is a yard with a pool. It's giving me a headache because the permits are a strange thing to me! but it will be a chance to learn how to get them, along with a chance to learn a bunch of other stuff -I had never overseen construction before! I am getting better at handling the contractors and the workers and making a bazillion phone calls a day. I am very proud of having managed that, since I HATE phone calls. I still dread them but I manage! The 'white' work -finishes and gardening and decoration- will be handled by one of my partners, so hopefully I'll be done with this one in a month or so. OR SO I HOPE.

-I need more work! I need to get more constructions to keep the work flow going...

-I'm working independently too! I am freelancing for my ex-boss and I'm helping another two friends with some plans and permits and designs. It sounds busy but I actually spend a lot of time bumming around 'cause now I work on my own time! I like this freedom quite a lot :)

-I finished my summer sewing class! it was 4 hours a day, 3 days a week, for a month. I made PJ pants and a skirt. I am slowwww.

-I also finished a Photoshop+Dreamweaver+Flash basics course. I already know Photoshop but I learned a bunch of tricks. Flash was a lot of fun! I'm hoping to take a medium level Flash course later :)

-I take an entrance exam for a master degree on Marketing next Saturday. I'm not really nervous at all, as apparently the results matter squat? Eh. I'm not INCREDIBLY excited about taking the degree but I can get a scholarship due my father working in the university and... learning new things is always a good thing! hopefully it won't be a super drag. I'm hoping to take 2 classes each trimester, so I would be finishing the degree in two years and a half. Urgg, forever! I don't know if I'll stick to it... we'll see! I'm trying not to stress about it. Education will never harm me!

-I am debating between volunteering to make web pages for a couple of non-profits or volunteering in finding funding for them. Finding funding would be a lot more useful as an experience for me, but I also don't know if I will manage to have the time consistently, and the web developing might be more flexible. I want to do the funding! but.. also involves PHONE CALLS AUGH WHYYYY PHONESSS I HATE YOUUUU.

-My city continues to deteriorate into a state of crazy organized crime violence. Mass hysteria is now the default mood, according to today's newspaper, which recommended which psychological centers you could go to if you had witnessed a violent crime and a support group for widows of organized crime victims. That... that's crazy. Stupid organized crime. Give it a rest.

-...that's all! Life is pretty okay with me right now :) I'm kind of stressed and tired all the time but I am also bumming out at times and that is pretty cool. Once the heat is gone, I'm sure I'll do a lot better at the energy department.

flesh-life, ferret's agenda

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