Long Live the Bat

Nov 30, 2008 13:07

So, today's the last day of November, which means today is the last day of NaBloPoMo for me. I hope everyone who tackled NaNoWriMo is doing well and will finish their goal! Me, I'm glad I'm done with this! Expect me going back to my regular semi-absent posting status! Thanks for everyone to put up with my crazy rambling and nonsense. There was stuff I never got around to write (like further ramblings about Gotham's gothic) or fic that I want to get a bit further down the series before start posting them again, but.. well, this was pretty fun, I think! I will try to use the time I'd been using for writing up the posts for catching up with the flist and writing more.

As for the Christmas cards, they are sent! Keep and eye out for them, vespa331, vigilante_wake, taro_twist, __marcelo, roguecatwoman, cmer, starsandsea, sasha_anu and damos and jij. Forgive my crazy rambling on your cards! I wrote them at work during lunch breaks and I tend to get pretty scattered..

Lastly, Batman is dead (as dead as such a character could ever be in comics) and this Makes Me Very Happy. Have a nice hiatus, Bruce. Rest those weary bones and take a break. You deserve it. <3 <3 <3 Morrison <3 <3 <3

I effing hate my bracers. The pain and inconvenience are making me loose a few extra pounds I had to get rid of, sure, but I never wanted such a miserable life.

Long Live Batman!

I love Batman.

fannish, nablopomo

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