Time for a poll!

Nov 20, 2008 22:00

Thanks for your great advice on quitting, flist! I.. m working through it. Mostly in my mind. Urg, I wonder what is it with this.. obstinate, opposed to change, stubborn bull-mind I have. My science heart tells me that horoscopes really make no sense, and then I come off as the most Taurean of all Tauruses and I have to grumble lowly to myself... It will take me a while to process through my feelings and gather the courage to leave, but I think I will be giving notice the first week of February so I can be free by the third week or so. But we'll see... (I can't quit this December! My mind is not ready to face this!)

Anyway... I had a run in with a coworker today. He pissed me off by making objectifying remarks about me and other female coworkers. This bothered me, but it was early in the morning (my patience had not yet be spent) and they are not very enlightened men. So, I was pissy but I let it go -worst punishment seems to be to not laugh at their jokes and leave them talking alone, as it shows how unattractive the young available female (me) finds them, which is a reason for mockery from the other guys (yes, apparently I work in a zoo)- but later he made a very rude remark to my work-sister, and this bothered her a lot, but it made me impressively mad and I answered him back in a not-quite proper way. (Other males stood back and returned to their activities and said male remained silent the rest of the day, as both me and my work-sister shunned him). In any case, this seems to me to be but an example of how I usually react: I will stand a lot more insult if it's directed my way than if it's directed a friend's way; I react a lot stronger to wrongs done to my loved ones. I was thinking this is how most my girlfriends react most of the time, but I don't know if we're just similar that way, or if it's a more widespread behavior, or if it might be a cultural thing. Also unknown: guys. I'm not sure guys do that on behalf of other male friends, though I think it's fairly common for guys to be pissed off if this wrongs are done to a close female. Is that a Mexican-cultural thing? (part of the macho=protector/provider behavior?) Or is it a widespread human trait? Thoughts?

Poll Anger Response


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