Meme stuff

Oct 26, 2007 20:42

I'm stealing these because I asked for more than a bunch of drabbles from other people, so it seems it's only fair to reciprocate.

The first fifteen people to comment on this post get to request a drabble from you. In return, they have to post this meme in their journal. Post all fandoms you’re willing to write for.DC fandom, though I can probably ( Read more... )

meme, plot bunny

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Re: Protection, PG (588 words) arch_schatten October 28 2007, 19:30:36 UTC
That layout with all the open sky is great, Christine! you should totally get it, yes you should! Though the CSS is pretty crazy for me too, maybe you can ask Dan? he's pretty knowledgeable about everything!

I'm very glad you liked th h/c :) I love it so! they always trade roles, though, the hurt one suffers less than the not hurt one, and does the comforting :P

Harvey crawled into this since I'm running away from a death-fic bunny of his. He ants screen time, I don't want to kill him! woe!

Bruce is a total geek. He has played way too much Starcraft for his own good. I suppose my Batman needs 48 hour days to do everything I say he does, but, uh... Starcraft is a good way to learn open field tactics! he.. taught the Robins that way! simulations, yes.

Bruce jokes when he's hurt because, as with any member of the batclan, even if you're bleeding on the floor, he's fine. Doing perfectly fine, yes, Clark is just overreacting. Clark wanted to kick him for cracking jokes :P I'm glad the POV switch worked for you! I questioned it for a while then decided that I liked it so I was going to leave it like that :P I'm very glad you enjoyed it, sis! yay! h/c for the win!


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