Title: The British Billionaire's Secret Son [Prologue] Series: Merlin Pairing: Arthur/Merlin. Eventually Rating: G for this part. Length: 822 words Notes: Modern day AU. Written because harlequinmerlin and gives me truly horrifying AU ideas. May the gods forgive me.
Title: Fight Not Flight Series: Merlin Characters: Uther, Morgana Rating: G Length: 1045 words Summary: Neither one of them will allow the dreams to defeat her. Notes: Pre-series. No spoilers.
Title: Letting Go Series: Merlin Characters: Gwen, Merlin, Arthur Rating: G Length: 566 words Summary: The dagger is one of the last gifts her father gives her. Notes: No specific spoilers
Title: The Little Death Series: Merlin Pairing: Arthur/Merlin Rating: NC17 Length: 758 words Summary: Post-battle sex. Pure unadulterated pr0n. No semblance of plot anywhere here.
Title: Subconscious Series: Merlin (BBC) Pairing: Arthur/Merlin Rating: R/NC17 Length: 3263 Notes: Set post-season 1, with very brief spoilers for several episodes.