#135: and then all at once

Sep 10, 2014 02:33

You are made
out of comets
and stars.

Do not surround
yourself with those
that treat you like
dirt and dust.

/ such a beautiful quote

Like a month or so. School's been real crazy this semester like ??!!!!!!? Just submitted two assignments on Monday and Tuesday (today) respectively (read: weekends spent on them assignments aka staring at the laptop screen throughout omg my eyes) and from now till next Monday, there's project meetings e v e r y d a y. (thank god this coming weekends are spared :'() And and recess week is starting next Saturday meaning we're approaching the midterms already holy shit time is passing too fast omg slow down!!! To think Real Estate is one of the slacker courses in NUS; well I can barely imagine how the rest have been managing their assignments etc. Apparently I wasn't spared during recess week either: Funk ODC Vol 1 (LOLOLOL aka Orientation Day Camp Vol 1 only nia HAHA), project meeting(s), CAC AGM (not much complaints cause in the east hehe), dance lesson, svfu funkcity (am i capable of joining it tho...???) and brianna's 21st (hope i can make ittt)... ok... so do i have time to study for midterms/finish up assignments/catch up on studies hmm I THINK NOT. But I hope I'll pull through this anyway.

On to happier things!!

feat. my judgy face and their :P faces LOL
So I finally met up w my h1 chem burdens after more than a year HAHAHA omg it's so hard to meet up with friends nowadays :( But it's really great to catch up with them over brunch at Habitat hehe (yay to another cafe checked!) Apparently there'll be a queue forming even before it opens omgwhut so we decided to meet at 10AM, yes 10 freaking early AM at Marymount but ya in the end tiah and I late HAHAHA but we made it to Habitat on time, at exactly 1030AM when it opens yay though there's a small queue alrdy when we got there but there's still seats for us!! Pretty lazy to elaborate anymore so yup we went to Somerset (our laodifang LOLLL :')) for some llaollao and to shop abit before calling it a dayyy~

i is judging the llaollao virgin ahahaha

h1 chem, dance, real estate, university, funk

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