My new apartment is officially named Bag End, since it's teensy and is built into the side of a hill/the basement of a larger house. I'm very happy here, and will be even happier once I've done a good smudge tonight, since it feels a little psychically stagnant.
That means that I'll be writing! I haven't done much of anything in the past week, so everything's still in the same state. And I just realized I have to write my Kirk/McCoy crossdressing daddy!kink for
km_anthology before February 12.
To recap, that means I have to...
- Finish my Bones/Gaila for the kink meme
- Finish my Scotty/girl!Kirk/Enterprise for the kink meme
- Write my entire km_anthology story in two (and a half?) weeks
- Work on the next installment in the Higher Learning AU
- Keep plugging along on the Kirk/girl!Bones-turned-into-guy!Bones thing
- Not claim any more kink meme prompts until I'm done with these
- And then write more slash, because seriously, what the hell am I doing writing about vaginas so often these days?
Aaaand classes start next Monday. Why the hell didn't I write more over winter break? Oh, right, I can't write porn in my parents' house because it feels like an extension of their 'no sex under this roof' rule. As if I weren't already a psychologist's dream/nightmare...
I really want an icon that's got nu!Kirk looking cocky that says "Captain Kirk is not constrained by your archaic gender constructs." It may need to be animated to fit the whole text. Any of you particularly good at icons/know anyone who would take a request? I'm willing to exchange fic for it.