But not how you think!
So, you've all read the AMAZING
Citylights AU by
atomicskull. If you have not, you need to get on that this second, before you continue reading this entry. I'll wait.
Now, while reading said AU, I discovered an obsession-- Balmain's Multi-zip suede boots, which run about $2500. I stared at these boots all the time-- I coveted them like you wouldn't believe.
Flash forward to today. I'm playing with Stumbleupon, and I hit a shoe/clothing store I've seen before. I browse the boots.
I find
For reference,
these are the boots I have been coveting.
I may or may not have actually shrieked and flailed, which made my flatmate stare at me like I was a total lunatic. She changed her mind when I explained the situation, and bought the fucking SHIT out of those boots.
My life is so awesome.