And the pity party festival continues!!

Mar 05, 2013 09:32

I don't keep track of my menstrual cycles but i'm starting to wonder if I've got one just around the corner. B/c on top of feeling down on myself, i'm highly irritable. :-/

It's so sunny outside, but we're only supposed to reach a high of -1 today i guess. OH how i wish terribly that it was warm outside. When i look out the windows it seems so inviting. Makes me want to put on my Nike's & just start trudging off to who knows where. To where ever my feet take me. Just keep walking until only the thought/dread of having to turn around & walk the same distance home keeps me from going any farther.

Just for the record: It's been just over 7 weeks now that I've stopped drinking pop AND stopped eating bread. (I try to minimize ALL wheat products--with hopes of losing "the bloat"--but for sure i do not eat ANY bread.) No sandwiches; no buttered buns; no toasted bagels etc, etc.... And you know it didn't take long at all for me to lose the desire to have either of them. I've not the slightest interest to start drinking pop again, & rarely do i give bread a second thought. Wonder if that'll change tho when the nice weather comes. I guess we'll see, but also by then i'll have a few more pop & bread-free months behind me, so.... Ultimately i was hoping that that alone would help significantly in my weight reduction goal, but so far it's effect has been minimal & slow, but i also won't let that discourage me. I really don't have much to lose, so slow weight loss i can accept as long as i AM actually losing something. At this pace tho, i might only be down 5 pounds by June--which will tick me off!--but that naturally will be better than 5 pounds gained right?? Right! Ultimately it's a better life-style choice, b/c what also happened when i gave up pop--i now drink more water. Significantly more. As in like, prior to giving it up i drank NO water & now i drink about 6-8 cups a day easy. And i don;t add anything to it either. no crystal light powders & no diluted cranberry juice. Just straight water. Actually i think I've drank more water over the last 7 weeks than i've drank in my entire life combined. LOL i bet it's dang close.

Anyways, i best get myself some breakfast. (typically it's hard boiled eggs-i like eggs.) And/Or it could be Greek yogurt with 2 tablespoons of ground flax seed. And/Or unsweetened applesauce with the flax seed, and/or a banana... I tend to not get too adventurous with my choices b/c basically t just doesn't really matter to me. I've long since lost my sense of smell--therefore resulting in my loss of taste, so i really don't care for variety. It's all the same to me. I SHOULD however, maintain a tally of what i consume daily in the website -- they are a website very similar to online weight watchers but only WAY BETTER b/c it's FREE!! And it really does allow you to see how easy your caloric intake for day can accumulate thereby alerting you to put the brakes on the snacking. It truly works if i don't get lazy, but i guess i got lazy....
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