i'm a dreadfully slow learner.

Mar 04, 2013 22:47

One lesson being: only speak when spoken to. OH and don't initiate ANY phone calls! Thats a big one there.

I joined a gym awhile back, October/November, rates were unbeatable btw! $9.99 a month for full usage & the rates will NEVER EVER go up. There's no contract either. I was so excited when i signed up. I went about a couple times a week up until i had dental surgery in December & i came to a dead stop. :-( Haven't picked it back up yet & i feel so guilty about that. Pissed at myself about it. But apparently not enough to actually DO anything about it. Quite the opposite actually, b/c instead i want so badly to stuff my face with crap. salty crunchy sinful goodness & handful after handful of it. The local Dairy Queen is open for the season now, maybe as of March 1st, & the kids all were treated to ice cream in one form or another there after visiting with my mom--(she gave them all $3 each)--but thats not what turns my crank. Its not my weakness by any means. My mind keeps thinking of BBQ chips & peanuts & hot buttered popcorn. Oh yeah--thats more my style. Part of me is trying to deny it, but part of me is wanting to try out the new popcorn popper i bought on the weekend & the part of me thats trying to deny--the part that will be mad at me afterwards--is likely ganna lose.

Just got off skype. I should just go to bed. A good nights sleep wouldn't hurt me at all.

Buzzed Michaels hair earlier tonight with a piece of crap trimmer. A walmart bought Remington model that takes damn near an hour to do what a decent one would do in 10 minutes i bet. Anyway, he was being a trooper despite that it apparently was pulling his hair out by the root. LOL I mean it certainly didn't LOOK like it was, but he said it felt like it was. He actually said that he was trying to stay in his "happy place" but it kept getting blown up. LOL poor guy. But it looks much better now.

Odd news day. Almost every day is anymore. I've been glued to news about the Jodi Arias trial for some reason. (Is that a red flag?? Is it a sign i'm white trash?? LOL) Anyways, i'm of the opinion she's guilty as sin. I think she had this whole murder thing as her "plan B". "Plan A" was to woo him back & so she would be the one going to Cancun with him rather than the other girl he was planning on taking, but her trick didn't work, so she had to revert to "plan B".

...You know, something i've sometimes given thought to, is that when you die, you finally have the answers to everything. The truth is revealed to everything you've ever inquired about or sought. That would interesting. Not very likely but interesting.

But i digress. LOL

Also in the news is the baby who seems to be cured of HIV. Baby was born HIV+ at birth & given a heavy dose of meds for 15 months, but then the mom chose to stop treatment, & basically disappeared for 8 months until medical ppl could track her down & then test the baby, only to discover that the baby now has no trace of the HIV virus. Is no one else thinking that it may be a different baby?? Am i the only one?? I've thought about tweeting that question to Anderson Cooper or Richelle Carey but i haven't quite mustered up the ambition to do so yet. Meh, it's likely not a true concern anyway. I'm sure they're confident it's the same baby. ***Edited to say: stuff like this should NOT concern me but it does. *shrugs*

ANYWAYSSSSSSS, that popcorn is not ganna make itself is it??? nope nope.
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