i haven't kept up my promise. :-(

Mar 04, 2013 11:51

i've let myself down yet again. I've not been frequenting here like i really do want to be doing....i honetly don't know whats the matter with me. I'm just not in my happy place i guess i can say i am aware of that much. Sure i can fake my way thru most days without anyone realizing that there's something *off*, or at least if they do, no one lets on. I dunno, i just keep on keepin on. Don't have much choice. I just wish i wouldn't beat myself up like i tend to do at times. Dammit and i can be so MEAN & down right cruel too! I certainly do have a viscious side--good thing i only unleash it on myself. I don't know if this darkness is growing, but if it is then it's at a very very slowly progressive rate. Meh, maybe i just got the winter blues. Actually, now that i think about it, that could be a big chunk. Or at least a significantly good sized one. *razzies*

I should be bailing thru the shower--that also would help tremendously. My scalp is getting itchy & my hair & skin are gross. LOL i'm in no way ready to answer the door should anyone come knockin. lol Nope. If that should happen right now i confess i'm totally doing the ninja-thing & hitting the floor, slithering under the window curtains to try to take a peak--but opening the door up to anyone--NO WAY!

Got a rump roast in the oven for supper...laundry still on going, tho i have quite a bit to fold still & even more to sort & put away. The fun's long since gone out of that task i must say. So i'm kinda starting to drag my ass a little more wiht that than i used to. :-/ Also just the general friggin up keep of the place. ::::siiiiiigh:::: Its a dreaded on going thankless non-appreciated chore.

One of these day (SOON) i have to make a hair appointment. I should start researching something funky maybe. I am addicted to long hair, but i need some sort of a change as well. Maybe i hsould start being happy with "long-ISH". But i panic at the thought that as a woman gets older-her hair gets shorter. LOL I giggle but it's no less true.

ok, screw this--i'm having that shower now & it's going to be HOT! then sometime this afternoon maybe--if my mom calls--i'll be going over to her apt to help her re-arrange furnature. (read:doing it all myself.)

you know, i actually may even Do. My. Make-up!
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