AVIS À LA POPULATION de ma friend list...
Vu que je n'ai pas trop été en contact avec Tatia ces derniers temps, j'aimerais bien savoir quand est-ce qu'elle rentrera de sa colo, et si on peut lui écrire là-bas?
You Know You're Addicted to Harry Potter When...
You make a wand and try to use it. non
You call your least favorite teacher Snape.
J'ai eu un prof que j'appelais Snape, mais c'était loin d'être celui que j'aimais le moins ^_^.
You call your favorite teacher Dumbledore.
Genre! Ce serait Remus...
You wear robes to school or work.
You make "floo powder", get in the fire, and try to go to your friends' house.
Je n'en suis pas encore là, merci.
You have read all the books more than four times.
Il n'y a que le tome 1 que j'ai lu 5 fois, les autres c'est 3 ou 4 ^^.
You've been bookstore at midnight to get the latest Harry Potter book before all your friends.
non, c'est un des trucs que je n'ai jamais fait afin de me persuader que je n'étais pas une harry potter freak.
... And then you stayed up all night wearing it.
Hum... Ce serait pas plutôt 'reading', là?
You've worn a Harry Potter costume in public.
Euh, nan.
You have a crush on one of the Harry Potter characters.
Quand j'étais jeune et innocente j'étais amoureuse de harry, mais c'est FINI, d'accord ¬_¬;?
You've gotten at least one of your friends addicted to Harry Potter.
Carrément! Plus d'un ^^.
You actually caught the "Wand Order" mistake before you heard/read about it.
Là j'ai pas saisi o.O.
You are upset at the New York Times for creating a seperate childrens best seller list because of the Harry Potter books.
Je ne savais pas, mais c'est le genre de truc qui m'agace.
Using clues in the book, you have attempted to find the exact geographical location of Hogwarts.
You have constructed a timeline of events in the Harry Potter books.
... Seulement pour les fics, d'accord?
You have attempted to figure out the exact ages of all the Weasley children?
C'est la faute à Laède!!!
You have spent time contemplating which main characters will die by the time the series is over.
Beuheuheu!!! *va se pendre*
You've been to see all the Harry Potter movies on opening night. (Bonus points for standing in line in costume!)
Seulement le premier.
You've read Harry Potter fanfic.
Un peu, oui ^^!
You've written Harry Potter fanfic.
Qui, moi?
You run a Harry Potter fansite.
You visit The Leaky Cauldron daily.
You've met other Harry Potter fans from online in real life.
Lalalilala... Non mais j'y peux rien moi s'il y a des gens supers parmi les fans d'Harry Potter...
You've participated in a Harry Potter RPG.
You've dreamed about Harry Potter.
Euh... Vaguement. J'ai rêvé que mon voisin était Harry Potter une fois, et de Sirius behind the veil une autre fois.
You have a Harry Potter poster on your wall.
... Trois.
Each Halloween, there's no question what you'll dress up as...!
Ah ben si, faut quand même changer d'une fois sur l'autre!
You've spent time doing a timeline to see if you would have been old enough to date a certain character when you were in high school.
Pas besoin de ça, j'avais l'âge d'Harry pendant les 4 premiers bouquins ¬_¬;.
You've vacationed to London, simply to search for the Leaky Cauldron.
You own a black lab named Sirius Black.
non mais un remus lapin ça me dirait bien ^^.
You've knitted a Weasley sweater or Harry Potter scarf.
Même pas!!
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to Harry Potter.
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