
Jun 26, 2008 11:12

Woo sailing tonight! Little boats tonight - 420s. On Tuesday I went out on a bigger boat - I'm pretty sure it's a yawl but 100% - it was the first time I'd been sailing in months & I'd forgotten how much I loved it. I wish I could put it in words, the right words, to describe how lovely it is. But that's not even right... it was like I got in the dinghy and suddenly the world was the it's supposed to be again. I'm whole when I'm on the water; everything- not that everything makes sense, or that I know how to handle anything, because on Lake Michigan especially the water and the weather are totally unpredictable, but rather that everything's okay, no matter what happens. It's the best feeling in the world. Like that's where I'm meant to be.

I'm pretty pumped for tonight because I get to skipper the boat we're sailing. And technically it's sailing lessons but I know how to sail so hopefully Katie & I will be able to do whatever, not necessarily just the lesson plan... I really want to know who the instructors are; I already know that one of the guys who was teaching last year is doing it again, & hopefully he remembers us [as the nerdy werewolf girls his age] so, again, we'll have some more freedom...

On a vaguely different note, I finished reading Persuasion and it was amazing! Captain Wentworth is about five times more awesome than Mr. Darcy. Srsly. [Plus, he's a sailor... *cough*]

And I'm really behind on my current events because Persuasion is much more entertaining than the newspaper... and the Chicago Tribune sucks anyway...

I learned yesterday that if you're feeling existential and tweaking yourself out over identity and what is identity and how do we define ourselves and how do we know we fit our definition, or are we just ignoring the part of ourselves that don't fit that definition and are there parts of ourselves that we don't know exist? Not just the subconscious and unconscious, but other parts of our consciousness that we can't acknowledge? And if there are, do those parts know about the part that's thinking about them? And so on? - don't try to block out those thoughts by reading Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde.

existential crises, sailing, persuasion

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