Fic update: Chasing the Dragon, Ch. 3

Jan 26, 2012 04:11

Yeah so I added another chapter to my Sherlock fic (the one in which Sherlock, like Towly, likes to get high - in his case on opium)…This chapter is mega-cheesy, but I’m still hoping there will be some actual smut coming down the pike at some point. What EVER! Just about sums up my mature attitude towards it at this time.

Title: Chasing The Dragon
Author: arby_m
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Rating: M
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: angst, dubious consent
Length: ~5000 words (WIP)
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended.
Note: Takes place in Season One. No spoilers for S2. Rating for future chapters. Dub-con warning is for altered state/drug use.
Summary: John catches Sherlock smoking opium, and it reveals a side of Sherlock he's never seen before.
Sample: “My point is that it is exactly that very cognitive dissonance on your part that renders what we are doing arousing.” Only Sherlock could have made that sentence sound sexy, instead of as if it came from a textbook. “And I feel it vicariously, through you.”

John’s brain is too busy turning to jelly to permit him to contradict that statement. Sherlock’s hand is on John’s dick, for Christ’s sake. How can he be expected to carry on an intellectual conversation about social mores with these kinds of shenanigans going on?

Link: fake cut to the Ao3:

( Chasing The Dragon )

fic, sherlock

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