Fic: Chasing the Dragon

Jan 16, 2012 03:41

Oh.. forgot to mention, I finally made some progress on my Sherlock fic - 2 chapters down!

Can't bear to write about TRF just yet.
Title: Chasing The Dragon

Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Rating: M
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: angst, dubious consent
Length: ~4000 words (WIP)
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended.
Note: Takes place in Season One. No spoilers for S2. Rating for future chapters. Dub-con warning is for altered state/drug use.
Summary: John catches Sherlock smoking opium, and it reveals a side of Sherlock he's never seen before.

Sample: He's about to get up, go do something - anything to get away from being in this moment - when Sherlock lifts his right hand languidly and touches the side of John's face.
No, that's imprecise. Being around Sherlock has given him a newfound respect for precision in language.
Sherlock doesn't just touch it; he caresses it, all the while staring at John as if John is a strange new species of creature he's never seen before. Closetus Homosexualis, perhaps, or maybe Homo Bisapiens.

And..fake cut to the Ao3:

( Chasing The Dragon )

fic, sherlock

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