Due South 3.14-3.24, Middleman, Fringe

Jul 13, 2008 23:41

Making up for lost time, ha ha! Some of these were written a while ago I just never got around to posting them. Still inexplicably not working on the stories I know I could be finishing. I'm going to have to save SGA and Dr. Who for next time, but suffice to say I had thoughts! Actual thinky thoughts about them! (Ok so fine, maybe my thoughts about SGA are never really that deep, but Dr. Who was somewhat more than the usual "Squee!" "Argh" fest.)

OMG quick story first - I had a home evaluation scheduled for the Elite moving service I mentioned earlier on Friday, and the dude's name was Merlin. This was amusing in and of itself, but when he actually showed up I was flabbergasted. He was tall, Irish and incredibly hot. Perhaps I had subconsciously been expecting an old man with a long white beard, but I was totally taken aback. And then he had to inspect my filthy, messy apartment! Talk about embarrassing. Whenever he looked at me I became completely tongue-tied, and was reduced to gesturing about and saying vaguely, "that thing.. isn't going". At first he said I "didn't want" the Elite service because it would be too expensive, but when I explained that I usually pay 3-5k anyway and they don't even pack or unpack for me, and the whole thing about the storage and how I really needed the photographing, labeling etc., he said, "Fair enough" (which seemed to be his sort of stock response as he said it a lot) and then his estimate was not that bad. I'd been expecting 10k and it was only 4. So that's a win. He asked about my hair and when he saw the microphone in the back bedroom, if I was a singer. I was so, so thankful I hadn't had time to change out of my semi-decent work outfit, and somewhat sad that I'd forgotten to put on any perfume, especially some Love Me. He says he'll stop in on Moving Day, which is not stressful at all or anything because normally when I move I stay up all night packing frantically and look like absolute shit, but I guess the point of this whole deal is that they're going to pack for me so in theory I don't have to do that. Anyway he was a stunner and I totally wanted to Nimue him, big time. Then yesterday I finally got around to Googling him, and guess what? This appears to be him. I guess it's a good thing that we're polar opposites, that way I am forced to do nothing other than lust after his body (no entertaining romantic thoughts, for instance!). Too bad he apparently has a GF though.

How is it Sunday night again? I have been so horribly unproductive lately. Last weekend all I did was read the entirety of Questionable Content for like an entire day (hence icon - Mieville looks just like my Diablo). This weekend I also did more or less nothing but watch TV.

Oh shit, today is S's birthday. I suck for not calling him. I will do so tomorrow, which will in no way make up for my not doing it today, and will in fact only give him the opportunity to berate me for missing it. Plus the massive awkwardness - which I suspect is the true reason I did not call today - will not be mitigated in the slightest by the delay. Fail all around, yay! (heh, that was a lot of unintentional rhyming)

Due South
3.14 "Dr. Longball", squee-meter: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ - 1a) the poncho (Fraser: "it looks quite fetching" - heeeee times infinity), 1b) Ray striking out with the ladies (and was it just me or was there something the slightest bit glad in the way Fraser made that observation? And how he forced Ray to spell out the embarrassing truth - not very nice, but shippy, fo' sho') 2) that guy smacking Ray on the ass, 3) Ray getting naked in the locker room! And then he's on camera! (*cackles loudly, then faints*) "I'm going to try not to play with myself" (ha ha ha ha!!) (who is that lady, she looks very familiar, outside of the resemblance to Camilla Scott) 4) OMG CKR in the baseball uniform - smokin' hot, 5) Fraser giving Ray hitting advice - I was just waiting for the "let me fix your stance" excuse to put his arms around Ray, but alas it didn't come - I guess it's a good thing because my heart might have exploded in my chest. And reading the trivia for this ep makes it 100x better - that was Camilla Scott! And Dean McDermott as the dude who can't stop crying - hilarious!! All-around awesometude.
3.15 "Easy Money", squee-meter: ♥ ♥- I liked the story about young Fraser hunting the caribou, but it seems that he hasn't learned all of the lesson - I think too often he doesn't let people make their own mistakes. Interesting character insights into Fraser, sadly not very shippy though.
3.16 "A Likely Story", squee-meter: ♥ ♥ ♥ - OK, what was better, the multiple, ridiculous camp-outs or the fact that Ray sets himself up to fail with women? And Fraser was totally trying to make him suspect her. Ray was adorable beyond words when he was all nervous around her, though I didn't really think she was all that hot.
3.17 "Odds", squee-meter: ♥ ♥ ♥ - Another dangerous brunette - Fraser really does have a type when it comes to women, doesn't he? Although given the end, is he playing her or is he really attracted to her, or both? OMG Paul Gross in that suit was so hot, I can't believe it's legal. And it's Lilah from Angel! So many actors I know have been on this show, it's insanely awesome.
3.18 "The Ladies' Man", squee-meter: ♥ - This ep was so sad, in a good way. I liked how Fraser was so quietly determined to help, and so sensitive to Ray's distress. I liked them climbing around in the archives. And Ray crying at the end broke my heart for him. Not very shippy though, hence the lack of squee.
3.19 "Mojo Rising", squee-meter: ♥ - This was a perfectly fine episode but boring because there was no significant Ray/Fraser goodness. In fact CKR was pretty much in the background of the ep. I did like Francesca, Huey and Dewey trying to dejinx the station though, that was hilarious.
3.20 "Mountie Sings the Blues", squee-meter: ♥ ♥ ♥ - This episode was adorable!! I was afraid I would be embarrassed by Fraser singing but I actually wasn't, it was cute - I think the difference between this time and the other times PG sung (All the Queen's Horses and Mountie on the Bounty) was that Fraser was shy and reluctant, unlike the other times when he just busted out with no shame. I still think those were almost OOC - it felt like PG doing it, not Fraser. I believed his behavior in this ep much more than the other two. And the swaying back and forth - hilarious! Ray in the control room doing a little dance - even more adorable! The way Fraser reacted when Tracy (another brunette!) kissed him was so darling, he totally did the neck movement I noticed before and said, "My cheek" totally weirdly. Loved it! Only reason it doesn't get more hearts is that too much of the rest of the ep was taken up by boring people like Tracy's husband and manager. Though Turnbull was also hilarious in this one.
3.24 "Good for the Soul", squee-meter: ♥ ♥ - This was a fine ep but mostly inconsequential outside of the two cutest parts - in the teaser with Ray and Fraser in the mall, Ray wearing his glasses, Fraser buying a log! Oh, so cute. (The guy selling him the log totally looked like Ted Raimi for a sec.) And in the end when Ray says he's proud of Fraser, awwwwww my teeth are rotting, it's so sweet.

Sidebar: Other TV
Middleman - ehhhhh. I mean, it was cute and all, but it reminded me of Pushing Daisies, which I find too twee - trying way too hard. Maybe it's just I read too much hype about it on my flist - had I been expecting to suck (or at least not been expecting it to be the next Buffy) I might have been pleasantly surprised and charmed by it. I'll give it more time but so far I'm rather lukewarm. To my mind it's like a cross between Wonderfalls and Pushing Daisies. And I liked Wonderfalls a lot, but I don't particularly want to see 2nd-rate knockoffs of it. That guy playing the lead even reminds me of that UPS delivery guy from WF.

Fringe - Ewwwwww, I was not expecting it to be so gross. I bet S. will like this. God, Generic Blonde Actress really is generic. She reminds me of the love child of Gwyneth, Cate and what's-her-face from The Inside Rachel. I like Josh, but I'm not convinced I'll be watching just for him. The writing isn't that strong, frankly. Deeply cheesy, and unmemorable characters. Sexist and lazy. When Josh calls her "sweetheart", it's ok because he's soooo scruffy and cute. I don't know, it's no different than any of a jillion shows & movies before it, but somehow it's chapping my ass. I am reminded of Invasion but without the always-entertaining Bill Fichter. Dude (Coraline's brother, IIRC) from Moonlight was nicely creepy. Is it just me, or does Josh Jackson play the same character in everything he's been in? He could have been f'in Pacey in this. I don't think I've ever seen him play against type. He makes Jason Dohring look like a character actor. Overall - been there, been bored by S. watching that. I actually felt like packing, that's how unentertained (SO not a word) I was. Of course, I'd much rather watch Due South or read LJ, even work on my Heroes story that feels this <---> close to being done, than pack, so this was presuming I couldn't do those.

ETA: When I read this DH interview in which he says about a future ep,"[it]’s going to have some Ronon and McKay stuff, basically addressing what has become a love triangle" - I was like 'buh? Between whom?? Rodney/Sheppard/Ronon??' But no, boringly he meant Rodney/Keller/Ronon. Warning: interview is mildly spoilery.

apt, due south, boyz, tv

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