The ides of March

Mar 12, 2002 18:16

Ahem. Ah, yes well,it feels like I haven't updated my LiveJ in a long while. Oh sure, I pop in from time to time adding a short comment on my friends' posts but my own has grown cold and bitter from disuse. You'd think that would mean I have quite a bit to say in this, my first update in almost a week. But I don't. Nothing worth reading anyway.
I'm still staying at my grandmo's. She gets back Thursday or Friday, I can't remember which. I'll go ahead and assume it's Friday and hope she doesn't come home early to catch me dressing her cat up as Tom Hanks. She hates Tom Hanks.
Also, is anyone going to Nickeldime's this morrow? If so, please respond to this with one of the following: yes, no, maybe, I don't even like Nickelby's, I am hungry, Death to Smoochy looks like it has promise, Ted Mallison is a shameless gadabout, or I've never eaten a Wendy's taco salad and never will
Thank you
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