Practice Journal 2

Dec 27, 2012 17:56

Quicky update:

Went to the gym again this morning. Didn't want to go in the pool AGAIN because of too many people. Will have to wake up EVEN EARLIER maybe start swimming at 5:30 am this time. My right knee hurts and hurts worse after the last two days. =/

Had less energy than yesterday, hm, might have just not slept well last night. Woke up a few times.

Well, instead of practicing at 10 like I planned I was sidetracked by message boards looking up how I can possibly get into medschool in 3 years. It's definitely going to be rough. I'm going to try to get into a SMP, special master's program, for a degree in medical science to help me along the admission process. Apparently undergrad GPA is a huge deal and I'll be lucky to graduate with a 3.2 as far as medschool is concerned. *sigh* Might be worth it to spend an extra year building up on science courses after Music Therapy.

Anyways, did long tones with a drone on. HOW INTERESTING, that I could still hear wobbles even though I was wearing headphones. Was this because my skull was vibrating? According to my physics book, the amount of wobbles you hear per second is the difference in hertz between the two tones. So it should be a physical phenomenon and not a perceptual one, right? I also heard some whacky difference tones which I always enjoy... I believe perception of difference tones is a tone vibrating at the difference in hertz of the two tones playing and it's supposed to be all in your head although now I wonder. Now that I think about it, I wonder if these two phenomena are the same thing just in different situations? Maybe not, because earlier I think I noticed that P5's gave me both difference tones AND wobblies when I was out of tune. Same for thirds. P4 and Tritone difference tones are wonky and I love them.

I also tried to measure my Major 3rds 14(?) cents flat and minor 3rds slightly sharp like in the just scale... but I liked them at equal temperament better...

Also I sang with the drone and it's very hard for me to keep a stable tone with my voice, but much easier with the drone. Drone also makes it easier to play pianissimo in tune.

Ok, um, apparently it's impossible for me to be brief.

Let's see. Halfheartedly played scales from memory. I really don't want to do the mental solfege in G major. It is already dragging my tempos down. I think I will practice fixed-do on its own in my music theory time.

Fixed-do DOES help while doing difficult arpeggios from memory though. ... It also keeps me from being bored when I have to be retarded slow in some exercises without sheet music and it keeps me on track. Not a bad practice, just annoying to implement when my scales can go 3 times faster than I can recite solfege in G major. Only did scales and arpeggios in the key of G today. Tomorrow is F.

Improvised a bit on the G half-diminished... Tried to modulate into the key of G from there, but stayed in Ab somehow. Got distracted by a mean thing someone said to me today and forgot where I was going. oh well.

Then I did some reading exercises on arpeggios... using harmonic analysis, these things are very simple to have memorized. Did some varied rhythms and articulations... just whatever I felt like. Doted 16th 32nds... then opposite. various slur and staccatto schemes. Actually, it made the exercises more interesting rather than being tedious. Glad to do it more tomorrow!

Didn't read scales today.

Have the first page of Mozart memorized. Initially told myself I would memorize 2 phrases a day, but can actually do way more than that since I already know this piece really well. That's a load of stress off my mind, but I need to remind myself not to be lazy about it. I am going to practice rep right after warm-ups tomorrow. Reminder to record myself tomorrow. Do it. For.......... F major 2 octave. See what happens.

Also practiced G major in 3rds. Scales in thirds are hard!! Since I am slow at it, fixed-do helps to organize my thoughts and prevent mistakes, so I do it.

And that was my practice today... too much technique not enough rep as usual. I should work on that tomorrow.

Getting into med school is going to be rough, but maybe just manageable enough if I really start planning now. Whew, I really don't know how long it's going to take but it's gonna take 120 units of 4.0 to get my GPA to a 3.2. U_U Definitely I am going to look up smp programs for in-between bachelors and med school. I have my eye on Drexel...

Tonight I want to do some music theory work with George. Heading over to his place for dinner in 30 minutes.

Hmm hmm hmm...~
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