Apr 26, 2006 20:16
Information provided to me by the Rheumatologist was the following:
Fibromyalgia - a balanced view on exercise
How to get started
Taking it slow
Stretching and regular exercise are very important in the management of Fibromyalgia and understanding the correct approach to exercise is crucial. It may seem pointless to those of you who consider yourselves to have been fairly fit, but if necessary, start with 5 minutes per day and gradually build on this. It is important to start at what you are capable of doing NOW, not what you used to be able to do.
Thirty minutes of exercise each day is but a pipe dream for most people suffering from Fibromyalgia. In fact, that amount of exercise may result in many people with Fibromyalgia feeling worse. It is now thought that vigorous exercise causes minor tears in muscles leading to discomfort felt after excessive exercise.
Research data from Australia now shows that you can reap the benefits of endurance exercise, (i.e. cardiovascular fitness training) even if you don’t maintain a 20-30 minute exercise bout. You can do six 5 minute walks per day and it will be beneficial. So don’t let anyone tell you that you need to perform an activity for 30 minutes at a time. Break it up into intervals. Follow the 20 minute rule, DO NOT DO an activity for more than 20 minutes. Even if you feel you can do more, DON’T, as you will pay for it with an increase in symptoms for days to follow. Set your limits and stick to them. To avoid over doing it, try not to think of the exercise from a sports training perspective, but view it as health training (i.e. training to regain your health)
So, with this intilled into my brain, off I went to my first Aquasize Class (yes, it's Aqua Aerobics but with a different name). I was led to believe that this would be slow and low impact. Helloooooo, i'd hate to see up beat and hi impact!
I spoke to the instructor (as advised by their staff) prior to taking the class (but of course, i'd already paid) and explained the limitations placed on me and not having done the class before would it be suitable, etc etc....
So, taking the class at my own pace, I did my best to keep up, NOT following the information provided to me above. When it was clearly to much for me, i did rest. The class went for 40 minutes and I think that the last 20 minutes, I did take it pretty easy and only do what i really could. However, every muscle now aches, but it's that good work out ache, although not over extended.
It's hard setting the limitations. I'm not going to know in 10 minutes if what i did in the previous 10 minutes was too much. I guess I'll know within the next few days if it was all too much. Even my thumbs hurt.
Every day I've been spending a few extra minutes in the shower, doing my stretches. I haven't started back at the gym, but might do that on Saturday morning. Go there, just do some stretches and some walking and bike riding. 5 minutes at a time.
I WILL GET OVER THIS! And in the meantime, get my fitness up.