
Apr 21, 2006 19:56

So I went and saw the Rheumatologist this morning. After asking me numerous questions and prodding me here, there and everywhere, he informed me that i had a textbook case of Fibromyalgia

I spent a lot of the day crying on and off. I mean, i'm glad that we finally have a name for it, and I think that's why I kept crying.

The realisation that each weekend when i take one day to totally do absolutely nothing, and mainly lie around, I've always told myself my body needs me to do this to recharge for the next onslaught of a week. I always felt guilty for doing this and for not doing housework but I physically and mentally just couldn't do it. When I tried to explain this to people, they'd just look at me as if to say 'Lazy Fucken Bitch'. Now I don't have to feel guilty about that.

I don't have to feel guilty when I tell people i can't go somewhere because i'm really not feeling the best and am tired and in pain, or I cancel on something that i was going to with friends, sometimes you can feel them thinking that I'm just a fucken hypochondriac.

Well, now I know I wasn't being a hypochondriac. This is real. And now that we know what it is, we also now know how to treat it.

So, armed with the information I needed from the Rheumatologist, I called into my gym today and advised them that I needed to set a programme to get me well again. The Doc's suggestion was to do Yoga, Tai Chi and some form of hydrotherapy and walking, together with light stretching exercises. So, we've put together this programme of stretches that i will do each day and on Monday's I'll go to the gym and take part (if it's not to exuberant) in the Latin Dance Class. I'm assured that they don't break into a sweat, and they actually wear normal clothes and shoes. I'll hop up the back on monday night and check it out. Tuesday they have a Mind & Body class which incorporates Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates. So, I'll start with the Yoga and Tai Chi aspects and leave the Pilates for further down the track. I used to do the full class before I tweaked my neck in December, and like it says in the literature, once you injure yourself, it can be another chain reaction which sets off the pain etc, hence I ended up in physio for three months after this incident. Thursday's I'll be doing Aquasize (water aerobics) at the local pool. Each day I will also need to do six 5 minute walks. I pretty much do this anyway, but I need to ensure that it's done.

The aim of all the exercise is not to overdo it as it may inflame the muscles and even though I may feel that I can do more, I'm advised NOT to as i may pay for it with an increase in symptoms for days to follow. Nothing is to be too strenuous.

And then there is the issue of sleep depravation which is also a symptom. God, I must have had this longer than I thought, because i do not remember EVER not waking up during the night and i do not remember EVER waking up in the morning feeling refreshed.

So, now I can work on getting myself well.


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