Title: Loving Death
Pairing: Ohmatsumiya
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions of death
Summary: Ohno dies and is asked to work as an Shinigami. He agrees and leads a lonely second life until he meets Jun and Nino.
Auhor's notes: This is the second story I wrote for the Ohno-Exchange. I hope you'll have fun reading it.
Dear berrybuttboy, I hope you’ll like this story. It’s probably not exactly what you had wished for but that came to my mind when I read your prompts. So I tried my best.
I imagined Ohno as the Shinigami from Shinigami-kun which he played. So there are also demons and different shinigami but no person that accompanies them.
A big thank you for my betareader who helped me a lot and is always ready to proofread my exchange stories :D
Find it
here or
here at DW.